  • 學位論文


The Characteristics of the Construction “yǒu V dào” in Contemporary Taiwan Mandarin: A quantitative and qualitative study

指導教授 : 蔡宜妮


臺灣社會多元文化並立,由於政權的更迭和各族群遷移的背景,使得當代的「臺灣華語」(Taiwan Mandarin,何萬順,2009)異於普通話,更異於「國語」。臺灣華語有一些特殊的語言使用,常見如V看看和有字句。而筆者於生活中發現,口語中有字句常有「有V到」的表達,例如:有熱到、有好吃到,甚而出現語法混用的情況,如:有match到。根據筆者初步觀察,「有V到」語料多獨立使用,且出現語碼混用的情況,若拆解為有字句和「V到」分析將不能完整呈現「有V到」的特色;而結構似乎對應著特殊語意,符合構式語法的概念,本研究遂將「有V到」視為一構式。臺灣華語的有字句和「V到」文獻研究相當豐富,然而特別針對「有V到」則少有著墨,作為一構式其語意功能為何,與形式上的有字句和「V到」結構有何關聯,以及臺灣華語母語人士如何理解「有V到」,於言談中又具備何種話語功能,筆者試以此為題深入探析。 為對「有V到」有更全面的了解與論析,本研究含質化和量化兩部分,但以質化為主,並輔以量化方法檢驗臺灣人對於「有V到」的理解過程。首先,以語料量約1100萬字的「COCT口語語料庫2017」和筆者於生活中自行收集共609筆目標語料為分析對象,探究結構中的動詞和共現成分,歸納出「有V到」的構式類型和特色。研究結果顯示,「有VS到」最能顯現「有V到」的構式特色,其典型的構式功能為表達程度量值,少有後接成分並以雙音節狀態動詞為多;單音節動作動詞則最常出現於「有V到」,其典型的構式功能為確認動作事件達成;而語意符合的變化動詞分布最少。又因有597筆出自於電視節目,故本研究也著力觀察使用「有V到」的節目型態、話輪情境以及使用者等因素,從言談分析的角度探查其置於會話中的話語功能,俾使「有V到」的功能更形完整。例如研究發現,訪談類節目偏好使用言談類「有V到」,其中,主持人因負有使節目進行順利的責任而較來賓更常的使用「有V到」。 第五章節為量化實驗部分,奠基於前述少見變化動詞與「有V到」共現的質化結果,筆者採用軟體E-prime進行行為實驗self-paced reading task,探查以臺灣華語為母語的臺灣人對於不同類型「有V到」的理解情況,並以SPSS檢驗不同類型的「有V到」是否在統計上有顯著差異,且於實驗後簡短訪談受試者。本研究透過質化和量化兩方面的深入辨析,試圖描摹出「有V到」具體的語意和話語功能,表達其異於有字句或是「V到」的特殊表現,確立其在臺灣華語中的獨立性,針對長居於臺灣的外籍人士,基於最直接的溝通需求,提出「有V到」為一定式的合理性。


Taiwan Mandarin has its own characteristics and contains special constructions, for example, “V Kànkàn” and yǒu-sentence. The construction of yǒu V dào is also commonly used in colloquial speech in daily life. People use this structure and generate such phrases as yǒu V dào ‘it is indeed hot’ and yǒu hǎochī dào ‘it is indeed delicious’, and further the code-mixed form-yǒu match dào ‘it is indeed match’. The study aims to analyze the Taiwan Mandarin Construction-yǒu V dào ‘it is indeed’, based on the spoken corpus-Corpus of Contemporary Taiwanese Mandarin (COCT) and a mini self-paced reading task. Based on verb types collocating with COCT corpus, it is found that three types of yǒu V dào ‘it is indeed’. The yǒu VS dào ‘it is indeed’ (VS as stative verb) is the most distinctive one and stands out to indicate the degree or the extent, and the yǒu VA dào ‘it is indeed’ (VA as action verb) accounts for up to 88.5 percent of overall yǒu V dào ‘it is indeed’ in this thesis and is featured in a strongly affirmative sense of the past event. Besides, the yǒu VPro dào ‘it is indeed’ (VPro as process verb) is the least one in the amount of yǒu V dào ‘it is indeed’ despite the relevance to the semantics of yǒu V dào ‘it is indeed’ and express the confirmation of information as the same as yǒu VA dào ‘it is indeed’. Furthermore, 597 data, out of overall 609, coming from 44 TV programs, this study also attempts to discover the discourse functions of yǒu V dào ‘it is indeed’ in the program. In the quantitative part, the self-paced reading task was adopted. The purpose of this experiment is to examine the qualitative result and explore how Taiwanese interpreted sentences in different types of yǒu V dào ‘it is indeed’ constructions.


