  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃達業


由於台灣加入WTO後,金融業無可避免將面臨嚴重競爭,加上台商投資大陸金額增加,銀行業於是積極向政府爭取赴大陸設立營業據點。 而政府亦於2001年6月26日,宣布開放台灣金融機構赴大陸設立代表辦事處,至2004年年底計有彰化銀行等七家銀行,於取得兩岸政府核准後,在大陸地區設立代表處。轉眼之間,這些赴大陸設立代表處之銀行,已達到大陸法令之升格為營業據點之時間限制,加上國內之台北富邦銀行亦迂迴繞道香港購併港基銀行,作為赴大陸設立營業據點之途徑,台資銀行進軍大陸似乎箭在弦上,若兩岸政治氣氛緩和,金融交流乃指日可待。本研究運用文獻分析法及歸納法,探討大陸地區銀行之現況與經營難題,並探討外資銀行於中國大陸之佈局與經營之道,進而分析台資銀行未來進軍大陸之機會與做法,期未來國內銀行業能針對現況與外在環境變化,未來能於大陸地區能夠發展出具有特色之經營模式。


Domestic banks in Taiwan face severe competition from overseas banks and Taiwanese companies increase their investments in China after Taiwan joined the WTO (World Trade Organization). Taiwanese domestic banks face not only severe competition from overseas banks but also losing domestic customers. Domestic banks eagerly request authority to allow them establish branch offices in China. The authority approved it on June , 2001. 7 Taiwanese banks received the permission from both Taiwan and China authorities at the end of 2004. They established their local representative offices in China after the permission. According to the regulations in China, those representative offices are supposed to become branches after 2 years. Taipei-Fubon Bank also merged a Hong-Kong based bank, therefore they can set up an office in China less than 2 years. It seems that Taiwanese banks can do business in China pretty soon. Unfortunately, the political differences between two authorities hinder the development. If the relationship between both sides goes well in the future, it is foreseeable that further interactions will come. This research uses literature analysis method and induction method. Explore the strategies, problems of domestic banks and foreign banks. Analysis the future business development opportunities of Taiwanese banks in China. Hopefully, Taiwanese banks can evaluate their future business environment and develop their unique business models in China.


6. 中華人民共和國外資金融機構管理條例實施細則()
1. 李揚,王國剛,王松奇,「中國金融發展報告(2005年)」,中國社會科學院金融研究所,社會科學文獻出版社,2005年6月
