  • 學位論文


Applying Social Tagging to Bestow Prior Knowledge for English Reading Comprehension

指導教授 : 孫雅麗


在過去,我們以單字和文法為基礎來教導學生學習外國語言,但「先備知識」其實也是學習外國語言的另一種途徑,因為可以有效的彌補學生語言知識上的不足。但從資訊過剩的網際網路中找出對學生有用的先備知識,卻是一件費時費力的工程,所以我們期望透過社會性標籤 (Social Tagging),讓學生分享彼此的先備知識,並以此為線索,找出更多有用的補充教材來幫助學生建立對自己有用的先備知識,以幫助學生提升自己的英文閱讀理解能力。 根據以上目的,本論文發展了一個以社會性標籤為基礎的Web-based平台,Tag-based Prior Knowledge Recommendation System (TAK),此平台可以收集學生對文章標記的標籤,並結合標籤和structure analysis method,對文章進行結構分析,產生文章結構圖來喚醒學生既有的先備知識;此外,利用標籤結合personalized prior knowledge discovery method 找出適合學生的補充教材供給學生閱讀,讓學生可以快速建構自己的先備知識。系統提供以上兩種協助功能幫助學生閱讀英文文章,並提升他們的英文閱讀理解能力。


In this study, we combine the prior knowledge and social tagging to provide assistance for students to help them improve their English reading comprehension ability. Prior knowledge is also called background knowledge. If students can link up with new information and prior knowledge, they can understand new information quickly and effectively. However, there are too many information to find the suitable thing in the internet so we use web 2.0 technique - social tagging as a tool to help us filter out the information we do not want and make tag be a hint to analyze the article structure. In our study, we implement Tag-based Prior Knowledge Recommendation System (TAK) to construct article structure help students understand the article summary and activate their prior knowledge. Moreover, we use tag with personalized prior knowledge discovery method to find the suitable supplementary materials for student and they can construct their prior knowledge quickly. Our system provides above two assistances can help students to understand the meaning of article and improve their English reading comprehension ability.


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