  • 學位論文


A Study on Copyright Issues of E-learning and Trends of Regulation

指導教授 : 謝銘洋


教學的現場隨著時代與科技的演變,已經不再限於臺上的教師與臺下的學生,因為網際網路的發展,使得教學有諸多新面貌,不論是開放式課程、網路教學資源平臺、直播授課、磨課師等,都為教學帶來無限可能。 首先,需要討論的是教學行為中的著作權歸屬,例如教師的原創教材,或是學生所繳交的作業等,此涉及學校或教育機構、教師與學生間的關係,尤其是教師的教學行為是否屬於職務上所完成。另外,在涉及學術領域時,尚要加以考慮學術倫理。 同時,自傳統教學以來各類利用他人著作的行為,也不會止步於網路教學之前,還因網路而有更多的討論。從諸如大量影印的重製行為,到上傳資料至網路的公開傳輸行為,本文整理數則討論教學行為的案例,以供參考,因非營利教學行為的公益性強弱,將影響對於著作合理使用的範圍。 各國皆有注意到前述與教學有關的著作權議題,也不乏與網路教學有關的案例,故紛紛修法因應之,我國亦有相關的修正草案,本文略就美國、歐盟、中國的立法介紹之,以比照我國的修正草案內容。 著作權法需要有適應環境變化的能力,才能隨時調整著作權人的權益,以及社會的公眾利益,至於學校或教育機構,當然要提醒尊重智慧財產權的重要性,方能捍衛非營利教學行為的公益形象。


Nowadays, with the rapid growth of technology, various E-learning resources, such as moodle, open course ware and massive open online courses, provide global learning pipelines. As such variety of E-learning resources makes teaching no longer limited by distance, learning becomes more convenient. First of all, what needs to be discussed is the ownership of copyright in teaching activities, such as teachers’ original textbooks, or homework submitted by students. This involves the relationship between schools or educational institutions, teachers and students. In addition, when it comes to academic fields, academic ethics must be considered. However, while the users operate E-learning resources, they may infringe other’s copyright due to lack of original works. From reproducing a large number of photocopying to uploading materials to the Interne. The unclear boundaries of the fair use doctrine in copyright law, thus the users may not able to freely enjoy the convenience of such E-learning resources. Countries have noticed the copyright issues related to teaching, and there are also cases related to online teaching. This thesis briefly introduces the trends of copyright regulation, including legislation of the United States, the European Union, and China, and the draft amendment of Taiwan. The copyright regulation needs the ability to adapt to technology changes in order to adjust the rights and interests of copyright owners and the public interests of society at any time. As for schools or educational institutions, they must remind the importance of respecting intellectual property rights in order to defend the image of non-profit teaching activities.


一、 一般書籍
1. Alman Susan Webreck、Jumba Jennifer(2017),《MOOCs Now: Everything You Need to Know to Design, Set Up, and Run a Massive Open Online Course》,United States of America:Libraries Unlimited。
2. 王怡蘋(編譯)(2019),《從德國判決思考著作權重要議題》,臺北:元照出版公司。
3. 內政部(1998),《認識著作權(三)》,臺北:自刊。
4. 李亞虹(編)(2016),《版權、網絡和權利平衡》,香港:香港大學出版社。
