  • 學位論文


An Intertwined Journey: the Relation Between Li Wen-zao and the Evidential Research During the Qian-Jia Period

指導教授 : 王汎森


中文摘要 本論文討論的是清乾隆時期的士人李文藻(1730-1778),細究其在邊緣和中心流動的過程中,如何接觸與了解乾嘉考據學,並且持續地維繫其與乾嘉主流學者之間的關係。筆者試圖討論探究李氏在考據學風行之時所扮演的支持角色與橋樑作用,知其人而論其世,評析置身在乾嘉考據學風氣中的李文藻的經歷,並將其看作是各種非學術中心人物的一個具體縮影。 事不孤起,必有其鄰,處在聲勢鼎盛的乾嘉考據風氣之下,其實有一個緊密的人際網絡匿伏其間,從學術中心人物和中心地域向外輻射狀地延伸。當地方上的學者被嵌入這個巨大的網絡之後,往往就會成為由邊陲地域向中心輸送傳遞知識的樞紐橋樑。點點滴滴匯成潮流,特別是當有強大的政治力量介入之後,這種知識層面的向心力會更加地明顯。時勢所趨,學術中心的人物由此可以進行各種知識的匯聚和重組,進而產生進一步的知識範式與各種創造性的轉化。 綜合而論,本文試圖從李文藻的家庭背景與人際交往,其在地域間移動對日常生活的多重影響,以及李文藻各項學問、思想發端和延伸變化的三個角度出發,希望將他的生活和學術之間的互動,以及各種人際關係與學術思想文化層面的交錯與滲透,透過詳細的討論分析,得到一個全面性的了解。希望李氏的思想面向能夠經由這些歷史文獻的詳細考訂,進而具體呈現出來一幅乾隆時期知識人的完整思想圖像。


ABSTRACT This master thesis reports about the relationship of Li Wenzao (1730-1778) and evidential research in Mid-Qing Dynasty. Some Mid-Qing intellectuals have boundless enthusiasm for evidential research, which was considered as the mainstream of academic studies in the Qing Dynasty. Li Wenzao was taken into consideration as one of the above mentioned intellectuals who were passionate for evidential research. The way of conducted research in this thesis doesn't aim at describing the evidential research works of Li Wenzao. In the philological records there are not so many written works from Li Wenzao, since most of his academic works didn't reach our time. Therefore, this master thesis takes the individual Li Wenzao to illustrate the academic environment in his lifetime. Li Wenzao was not a significant mover of this academic tide. Although his teachers and close friends had very dedicated accomplishments for evidential research, Li Wenzao played a supportive role in terms of evidential research. The choices and decisions taken for his life style were deeply influenced by the social environment, relations with his friends and the geographical location where he situated at. The thesis it was studied the great deal of prefaces and poems written by Li Wenzao and his friends. In this thesis, this point is one of the most important characteristics of this master thesis since such historical materials were not fully investigated in previous studies of Li Wenzao. In order to give a better sight, the thesis content focuses on his journey from the capital city of Qing to Guangzhou, which include route chosen, the items in his baggage, interaction with his friends and further stuff. These things had big influence on the academic thinking of Li Wenzao. As mentioned before, rather than placing Li Wenzao at the center of the matter and describing each relation in a standard way, his relations have been reported objectively regardless of who played the role of a dominant figure in terms of thinking and behavior. By doing this not only the personal choices of Li Wenzao but also the interactive connections among the social environment, culture and academic research at that time are described.


