  • 學位論文


The Effects of Leadership Charisma on Company Performance and External Support

指導教授 : 朱文儀


本論文透過實證資料及問卷設計,探討魅力型領導對公司財務績效表現,以及外界投資者投資意願的影響。透過雜誌報導,讓受訪者評斷42家上市上櫃公司領導人的領導魅力,進行其領導魅力影響之研究。同時,藉由探討代理問題,就獨立董事個人的領導魅力和投資者投資意願之間的關係進行分析。 論文研究結果關係如下: 應變數 自變數 結果 公司領導人魅力 公司財務績效表現 部份正向影響 公司領導人魅力 外在投資者的投資意願 正向影響 獨立董事個人領導魅力 外在投資者的投資意願 無影響 1. 公司領導人魅力只對部份財務績效指標有正向影響,因此領導魅力不能完全代表公司財務表現。 2. 投資者對投資標的公司的投資意願會受到該公司領導人的魅力影響。 3. 投資者對投資標的公司的投資意願並不會受到該公司某一獨立董事個人的魅力影響。


This thesis aims to discuss effects of charismatic leadership on company performance, measured by financial indices, and investors’ willingness to invest in the company. Questionnaire respondents ranked 42 company leaders or CEOs’ charisma by reading magazine interviews or articles about them. The responses were analyzed along with empirical financial data. Moreover, from the perspective of agency theory, another purpose of this research is to find out whether investors’ investment tendency is associated with the charisma of a non-executive board member. Research findings are summarized as follows. Dependent Variable Independent Variable Result Charisma of company leaders Financial performance Partial positive association Charisma of company leaders External support Positive association Charisma of a non-executive board member External support No association 1. Company leaders’ charisma has only partial but yet positive influence on some financial indices. Therefore, charismatic leadership does not necessary lead the company to profits. 2. Company leaders’ charisma is positively associated with external support. Investors are affected by charismatic leadership. 3. External support is not affected by the charisma of a non-executive board member.


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