  • 學位論文


A Case Study for Information Operation Message Management in Middle and Large Corporations

指導教授 : 陳文賢


本論文係基於近年來大型企業管理與操作支出每年以10﹪複合成長率成長,遠高於電腦儲存媒體支出年複合成長率的6.2﹪與伺服器支出年複合成長率的2.8﹪,即IT管理成本的成長率約是電腦硬體成本的三倍。管理與操作支出佔企業資訊科技年度預算亦由2002年的45﹪比重將逐年提升至2008年63﹪,這種管理成本拉高趨勢需加以重視,故提出以實施訊息管理配合知識管理之應用,作為控管IT預算的解決方案,此建議可大幅提升企業本身競爭力,有效降低企業資訊維運風險與經營成本。 企業內要成功推動一個計畫,必須設身處地為員工設想,讓企業與員工創造雙贏的局面,必定受到員工全力支持,計畫成功的機率必定大增;反之,若是零合遊戲,有一方贏而另一方卻輸,那必定無法獲得員工支持,甚至計畫遭致失敗。 訊息管理系統導入後,資訊操作人員因為訊息大幅減少作業品質提升,才能由原本惡劣的爛仗泥沼環境中脫離苦海,轉至提升品質及創造更多有價值的研究。資深的資訊操作員由原本僅需按標準程序作業的例行工作性質,提升至準知識工作者工作內容,有甚多時間將相關單位專業人員腦中的判別與處理問題知識,整理後轉錄至知識庫,也可研究增加作業自動檢核與自動勾稽結果機制,對於重要程式進行監控,當發生異常可立即警示通知。 資深員工不但不是包袱反而成為公司的重要資產,可大幅創新員工的價值,組織也轉型為學習型組織,管理階層也可獲得管理角度統計報表,進而創造出企業與員工雙贏的局面。 中大型企業領導人應具備高瞻遠囑洞察力,以開發與維運總成本整體考量,寧願提高一次建置費用以改善資訊操作環境,可降低日後操作與管理的長期成本,整體來講絕對較經濟划算。 本論文歸納出資訊管理在企業營運策略制訂與推動時重要考量因素,並經由所舉成功推動資訊管理之實證案例,提供尚未導入訊息管理系統或曾導入但不幸失敗的中大型企業,是否因為疏忽了某幾個重要環節,而錯失了改善企業資訊服務體質的契機。


訊息管理 知識管理


The following thesis intends to discuss the discrepancies between the costs in the IT departments of large management companies. The department of management and operations has expenses that grow at the compound annual growth rate of 10%, which is much higher than the 6.2% of the media storage costs and the 2.8% of the server costs. Furthermore, not only is the total costs of IT management approximately three times the cost of computer hardware, management and operations expenses comprise of 45% of total expenses in 2002, soon increasing to 63% in 2008. The trend of IT cost inflation must be recognized and re-adjusted in order to effectively increase the competitiveness of the companies and minimize the operating risks and overheads. In order for successful enterprises to implement new strategies, they must be considerate of their employees. Consulting the employees before and after establishing new initiatives will garner their support and significantly improve the probability of successful execution. With the support of the workers, companies can accomplish win-win situation between both sides; in contrast, non-cooperation results in a win-lose compromise and may ultimately jeopardize the corporate missions. Since the introduction of information operation message management system, information were systematically reduced considerably, leaving IT management personnel more time to elevate their productivity, quality of work, and conduct higher caliber researches. Experienced IT controllers have been able to upgrade their nature of work from scheduled maintenances to more research and knowledge based. Furthermore, with the expanded time capacities, IT managers can compile analysis from different departments and convert them to valuable troubleshooting queries. Much of the newly available time and resources are devoted to enhance automation procedures and crucial data monitoring, and malfunctioning alerts. Enterprises must view their senior employees as extremely valuable assets instead of baggage. Managing through this perspective will establish new levels of employee loyalty, department cohesion, and new angles of management assessment. Once again, this formula is crucial to attain the win-win situation within the entire company. Middle and large corporations need to be guided by management that possesses risk-taking and far-sighted ingenuity. These qualities would enable the foresight to allocate the right funding to develop and maintain new and old operations from the start to prevent the unnecessary cost of reassessment to re-fund. Managers need to concern themselves in long-term economic profitability. This thesis intends to discuss the vital factors between strategic financial planning and execution in the IT department of middle and large corporations. Incorporating the past successful case studies to accredit winning formulas will also highlight the potential downfalls and instigate preventative strategies resulting in optimization of IT management and amplify the level of market competitiveness.


【5】陳琇玲、袁世珮編譯,啟動你的KM引擎 巴克曼實驗室的知識分享與管理實務,初版,美商麥格羅希爾國際股份有限公司,民國94年。
