  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Security Mechanisms for N-Fi-based Freeway ETC Systems

指導教授 : 張堂賢


電子收費(Electronic Toll Collection,ETC)系統為ITS的主要項目之一,其以電子通訊方式取代傳統人工收費。以高速公路為例,ETC可降低機構在收費與管理上之成本,提高運輸容量,縮短繳費時間,提昇行車效率,同時降低車輛因減速停等所帶來之油耗及空氣污染。此外,透過電子收費系統運作下之及時路況資訊收集,將有助於及早制定相應的交通管理策略與提供用路人及時。 近場資訊系統(Near Field Informatics,N-Fi)為國立台灣大學土木工程研究所ITS-Lab所開發之交通資訊平台,透過其短距離無線通訊模組,實現車輛與車輛間(Vehicle-to-vehicle,V2V)及車輛與路側設施間(Vehicle-to-infrastructure,V2I)之通訊。惟就電子收費功能而言,目前尚無實際開發與測試之成果。故本研究設計出適用於電子收費系統之通訊安全機制,以滿足進行電子交易時之相關需求。 本研究整合N-Fi無線通訊技術及電子通訊安全機制,實作一個安全電子交易系統,並以實驗型式進行電子收費作業測試;實驗結果顯示,本系統於多車道自由流的情況下,皆能正確執行收費作業,且具有極低的失誤率。因此,本研究適合應用於高速公路之電子收費服務。


Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) is one of the major implementation in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) applications. With technological progress, the conventional manual toll collection systems have evolved towards non-stop electronic toll collection which facilitates faster freeway toll collection. ETC implementation can lower administrative and operating costs of both the users and the toll agencies; increase traffic volumes; improve traffic flow; enhance driving efficiency and at the same time reduce the pollutants emitted during manual operations. Moreover, fundamental traffic parameters can be collected instantly through ETC implementation, which helps design the corresponding traffic strategies. Near Field Informatics (N-Fi) is a telematics platform developed recently by the ITS-Lab at the National Taiwan University (NTU). Wireless communication modules, which are embedded in the N-Fi, enable communicating nodes such as vehicles and roadside units to offer two-way interactive communications among them. N-Fi is currently under rapid development but is not yet available for electronic payment (e-payment). As a result, this research addresses the need for N-Fi-based e-payment and proposes security mechanisms for ETC implementation. In this research, a prototype platform that integrates the N-Fi technology and the proposed secure communication mechanism for ETC has been developed. Several experiments on the accuracy of toll collection were conducted and the results showed that the proposed platform performs successfully under the environment of free-flow tolling with various driving speeds. In conclusion, results from this research have demonstrated the possibility of using the proposed mechanism and N-Fi as the transaction algorithm and device for freeway ETC applications.


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