  • 學位論文


A New File System for Mobile Cloud with Applications in File Upload

指導教授 : 劉邦鋒




Smartphone has been one of most important technologies in recent years. However, smartphone only has a limited computing capability and a relatively small storage, because a smartphone must conserve power in order to achieve longer operation time. Due to its limited storage space it is impossible to store all the personal data into a smartphone. In addition, the CPU of a smartphone runs at relatively low clock rate so we cannot run resource demanding application because of the limited computing power. We designed a mobile cloud platform called Nexus to overcome the inconveniences while using a smartphone. Nexus can provide smartphone user Tera bytes of cloud virtual storage, which users can store all their personal data. Nexus also provides mechanisms for user to upload files directly from mobile cloud to a website, so that a user can efficiently transfer data from cloud to a website, which uses its strong computing power to help process user data. Our experiments indicate that Nexus upload mechanisms can speed up file upload 2.5 to 37 times faster, and they works with many popular websites such as Gmail [1], Facebook [2], and Google Image[3].


Smartphone Mobile cloud File upload.


[1] Gmail. http://mail.google.com/.
[2] Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/.
[3] Google Image. http://images.google.com/.
[4] HTC. http://www.htc.com/tw/.
