  • 學位論文


The Discussion of User Behavior in Continued Using the Website - Take “ntumover” for Example

指導教授 : 曹承礎


近年來運動的重要性已經廣泛地為人所知,而學習並實際運動目前仍以教練或老師面對面的帶領為主。此次由台大體育室及台大資管系合作,舉辦「台大動動王」活動,並設置「身體帳戶」網站,目的是把運動相關資訊透過「身體帳戶」網站傳遞,有別於傳統的面對面教學方式,讓參與活動的同學可以透過網路取得資訊。但是參與活動的同學並不踴躍,而網站的使用率也不盡理想。因此本研究希望探討當使用者使用運動相關知識的網站時,有哪些因素會影響使用者的使用意願以及願意持續使用的意圖。由以上歸納結果並提供往後相關活動進行的改進參考。 參考文獻資料找出影響使用意圖的重要因素,結合雙因子理論、同儕支持的接受度模式等學理納入本研究模型,提出「運動動機」、「價值資訊」、「同儕支持」以及「網站設計」四個構面,是主要影響使用意願的假設。探索使用者在使用「身體帳戶」網站的過程,並觀察使用者的使用情況。再利用焦點團體訪談的研究方法,請受訪者談論「身體帳戶」網站,衡量以上提出的四個構面。 分析訪談內容後,發現「同儕支持」因素對使用者的使用意願影響最高;除了這四個構面之外,所提到的影響因素以「互動」最為明顯,缺少「互動」也是使用者抗拒使用的原因之一。根據結果建議往後在開發類似活動或網站時,必須將「使用者生成內容」的建置列為重要的因素,滿足使用者的互動以增強使用意圖,才能發揮提供運動相關資訊網站的價值與功能。


The importance of exercise is widely known by people in recent years. Learning and taking exercise is still mainly leaded by teachers nowadays. Department of Athletics of National Taiwan University and Department of Information Management of National Taiwan University collaborated to hold an activity called “NTU Mover” and set the website called “Body account”, in order to convey the knowledge of exercise through this website. Being different with traditional face-to-face teaching, participants can access the information via Internet. But the utility rate of “Body account” website was not good enough. Our research want to explore the factors that influencing users’ intention to use, and if there exist any factors would bring about users’ continued using the website. We integrated two-factor theory and model of acceptance with peer support in our research model, and then we brought out the assumptions of “motivation to exercise”, “value health information”, “peer social support” and “website design” affect users’ intention to use, by observing users’ behavior in “Body account” website. We did the interview in focus groups to evaluate the construction surfaces above. And we explored the reasons why users were not willing to use the website continually, comparing these factors with the assuming surfaces and constructing the relationships. After analyzed the contents of interview, peer social support be found out to be the most influential factors to users’ intention to use. Besides these factors, interaction seems to be another important reason, lacking of interaction would let users resist using the website, too. According to our research, it suggests that user-generated content would be a vital factor when holding the similar activity and website. Therefore, the website can not only improve users’ intention to use, but also play in worth.


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