  • 學位論文


An Economy-wide Impact Analysis of ECFA on Mainland China

指導教授 : 徐世勳


海峽兩岸經濟合作框架協定(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,簡稱ECFA)指於2010年6月29日由海基會和海協會領導人簽訂的合作協定。協定按程度分為早期收穫計畫和全面開放。早期收穫計畫於2011年1月1日起實施,該計畫規定,大陸對539項原產於臺灣的產品實施降關稅政策,臺灣則對267項原產於大陸的產品實施降關稅政策,列入該清單的合計800多項產品在3年之內實現零關稅。ECFA的簽訂是兩岸經貿合作的重大探索,隨著時間推移對兩岸經濟產生的影響正逐漸顯現。 本文研究目的在於針對兩岸推動ECFA後對於大陸所造成的經濟影響進行量化實證分析。藉由GTAP(Global Trade Analysis Project)模型並搭配2008年推出的 GTAP第七版資料庫,加入東協加中國大陸、東協加日本、東協加韓國FTAs成形的前提,分層次模擬ECFA的早期收穫計畫以及全面開放對於中國大陸的福利和總體經濟影響,對大陸各部門的生產、進口影響,並且加入顯示性比較利益分析對各部門出口之影響。在定量分析的基礎上,結合大陸相關學者對于ECFA的已有研究,對中國大陸因應兩岸經貿一體化提供建議。 研究結果表明ECFA對於大陸的產業總體影響不大。農業面臨較小衝擊,而製造業普遍獲益。大陸政府應採取措施幫助農業,并加強各領域人才培養。陸資企業需加強與台資企業之合作,加快產業轉型。服務業方面,大陸應積極借鑒臺灣經驗,學習其管理和運作模式,兩岸優勢資源共享,以利共同繁榮。


Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) means the cooperation agreement by the leaders of “Straits Exchange Foundation” and “Association for Relations” signed at June 29, 2010. Divided by the level of agreement was “early harvest program” and “fully liberalization”. Early harvest program started on January 1, 2011, the plan shows that the Mainland China implements tariff reduction policies of 539 products originating in Taiwan, while Taiwan implements tariff reduction policies of 267 products originating in the Mainland, included in the list of more than 800 products in total achieve zero tariffs within three years. The signing of ECFA is important to cross-strait economic, and the impact of cross-strait economic is gradually emerging as time goes on. This study aims to show that ECFA quantitative analysis of the economic impact in Mainland China. By GTAP (Global Trade Analysis Project) model and with the seventh edition of the GTAP database launched in 2008, after FTAs (ASEAN and China, ASEAN and Japan, ASEAN and Korea) were forming, I hierarchical simulated the overall impact of “early harvest program” and “full liberalization” on the Mainland, the impact of the Chinese various departments’ output and import, and comebined RCA to analysis the impact of export of Chinese departments. Combining the quantitative analysis based researches of Mainland scholars in response to offer advice to cross-strait economic integration. The results show that ECFA to mainland industry for little effect on the overall. Agriculture will be difficult, and it is benefitul for manufacturing. Mainland government should take measures to protect Agriculture and strengthen personnel training. Mainland-funded enterprises need to strengthen cooperation with Taiwan-funded enterprises, speed up industrial restructuring. Services sector, the continent should actively learn from Taiwan's experience, learning its management and operation, the two sides share the advantages of resources to facilitate common prosperity.


李仁耀、林啟淵、余士迪,2010。「台灣與中國農產品在國際市場競爭之研究-CMS 模型的應用」。『農業經濟叢刊』,第15卷第2期,頁 29-57。
