  • 學位論文


A Research on Political Socialization and National Identity of the Mainland Chinese Spouses in Taiwan – A Case Study of the Mainland Chinese Spouses in Taipei County

指導教授 : 陳明通


大陸配偶對於台灣社會的衝擊,已在學術界有廣泛的討論,但是對於大陸配偶參與台灣社會的「國家建構」或「社會建構」的研究則十分的貧乏。而大陸配偶選擇台灣伴侶後,為了取得身份,建立家庭關係,必須放棄原先的工作、原生家庭關係以及親戚、朋友、熟悉的生活來到台灣,一方面面臨台灣社會歧視排擠的眼光,及必須經過「團聚」、「居留」、「長期居留」、「定居」四個不同的階段,但一方面面臨台灣民主自由的政治環境下及多元政治社會化媒介的衝擊,大陸配偶政治社會化之研究實更具特殊之意義。 本研究以深度訪談的方法,分成實驗組及控制組兩個訪談組別進行比較研究,每組訪談十五位大陸配偶,實驗組是以曾經參加過台灣藝術發展協會所辦理「台灣媳婦成長學苑」的學員為訪談對象,而控制組則是隨機抽樣訪談沒有參加「台灣媳婦成長學苑」的大陸配偶為對象。研究重點鎖定在分析實驗組及控制組所呈現之政治社會化效果之差異及整體呈現大陸配偶運用政治社會化媒介之情形。 本研究發現「實驗組」的訪談對象在政治社會化媒介使用狀況及政治社會化效果上相對比「控制組」的訪談對象呈現較佳之狀況,而且「實驗組」的訪談對象在政治視野上接觸較為多元寬廣,在國家認同感上較趨近於台灣社會的主流選擇。「多元性」是訪談大陸配偶所呈現的族群特性,「大眾傳播媒體」則是大陸配偶來台後最重要的政治社會化媒介,再加上「家庭」、「網路」、「同儕團體」、「學習課程」等媒介交叉影響,使得大陸配偶在政治社會化效能展現上與台灣一般民眾沒有多大差別。至於研究也發現受訪大陸配偶對「自由民主的制度」認同感最高,「台灣政府對大陸配偶的政策」及「台灣民眾對大陸配偶的接納與認同」也都將相對會影響「大陸配偶對台灣的接納與認同」。 最後本研究提出五點建議,其一是台灣應發展公民民族主義、建構以民主自由制度為基礎的國家認同;其二是建構台灣成為「趨同」和「差異」並存的多元包容社會;其三是應繼續鼓勵民間團體投入辦理大陸配偶成長課程;其四政府應開放居留期間的大陸配偶得以參加各項入學考試,強化學校做為大陸配偶政治社會化媒介之功能;最後是放寬大陸配偶工作權,讓大陸配偶加速融入台灣社會。


The impact brought on the Taiwanese society by Mainland Chinese spouses has already been discussed academically. However, there is obviously a lack of researches on the participation of Mainland Chinese Spouses in the “national construction” or “social construction” in Taiwan. After marrying Taiwanese people, the Mainland Chinese spouses have to give up their original job, family, friends, and leave their familiar environment for Taiwan to obtain a Taiwanese identification and acquire their new family in Taiwan. On the one hand, facing the possibility of discrimination and being singled out, Mainland Chinese spouses must go through four phases if they want to live in Taiwan, which are “family reunion”, “stay”, “residence”, and “permanent residence”. On the other hand, under the political circumstance of Taiwan’s liberal democracy and the impact of plurally political socialization, it is particularly meaningful to research into the political socialization of the Mainland Chinese spouses in Taiwan. In this research, I interviewed thirty Mainland Chinese spouses who were divided into two groups, the ‘experimental group” and the ‘control group”. There were fifteen Mainland Chinese spouses in each group. In the experimental group, I interviewed Mainland Chinese spouses who used to go to the “Taiwanese Training School for Daughter-in-laws” sponsored by the Arts Development Association of Taiwan; and in the control group, by random sampling, I interviewed those who did not attend the school. This research focuses on two points: One is to analyze the difference of the effects of political socialization between the two groups; and the other is to show overall how the Mainland Chinese spouses make use of the media of political socialization. I discovered that the spouses in the experimental group could make better use of the media of political socialization and are better socialized politically than those in the control group. And the spouses in the experimental group come into contact with politics more plurally and extensively. Their national identity is closer to that of most Taiwanese people. Plurality is the characteristic of the Mainland Chinese spouses in Taiwan. For them, the mass media is the most important medium for their political socialization in Taiwan. Additionally, there are other media, such as families, the Internet, peer groups, and learning programs and courses. Via these media, there is no big difference in the effects of political socialization between Mainland Chinese spouses and the average Taiwanese people. Besides, I also found that Mainland Chinese spouses much consent to the “liberty and democracy” in Taiwan. Two factors, “Taiwan’s policy on Mainland Chinese spouses” and “Taiwanese people’s acceptance and admittance of Mainland Chinese spouses”, also affect “the Mainland Chinese spouses’ acceptance and identity of Taiwan”. In conclusion, I have five proposals. First, Taiwan should develop its civil nationalism and construct its own national identity on the basis of liberal democracy. Second, Taiwan should establish its society to embrace more tolerance and plurality, which accepts divergence while seeking convergence. Third, the Taiwanese government should continuingly encourage non-governmental organizations to establish learning programs and training courses for Mainland Chinese spouses in Taiwan. Fourth, the Taiwanese government should make all school entrance examinations open to Mainland Chinese spouses while they are still in the “stay” phase, in order to make schools as the media of political socialization. Finally, the Taiwanese government should assure Mainland Chinese spouses of their right to work in order to help them adapt to the Taiwanese society more quickly.




黃崇山(2016)。社會運動對於臺港陸生政治認同的影響: 以三一八學運和佔中運動為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201600262
