  • 學位論文


Research on the Branding from Customer Experience——A Case Study of Starbucks and Louisa

指導教授 : 陳瑀屏


近年來消費者體驗、體驗經濟、體驗行銷等詞已經成為一種消費趨勢,其中之共同處就是「體驗」的過程。消費者的消費型態也逐漸地改變,從一開始只在乎產品的功能、特性及品質等,轉換至目前對於「消費體驗」之感受,也就是說消費者在消費的整個過程中所感受到的體驗,不論好壞,將為品牌在消費者心中留下一席之地,因此,只在乎商品本身的品牌,在這波改變當中,勢必會被重視體驗之品牌取代。而本研究鎖定星巴克及路易莎兩間連鎖咖啡廳之環境因素來進行消費者體驗研究,將探討星巴克及路易莎之消費者體驗對於其品牌經營過程中所造成之影響。本研究問卷共有803次總瀏覽數,統計有521次總回覆數,因此本研究問卷總回覆率為64.88%。數據分析過程中使用SPSS 22.0進行敘述性統計去了解問卷填答者的偏好,並採用獨立樣本T檢定及One Way ANOVA去分析消費者在經過消費者體驗後,對於星巴克及路易莎之品牌經營(如品牌形象、品牌知名度及品牌忠誠度)是否有顯著差異。而研究經顯示:1. 星巴克之品牌形象評價較路易莎之品牌形象高。2. 星巴克之品牌知名度較路易莎之品牌知名度高。3. 路易莎之品牌忠誠度較星巴克之品牌忠誠度高。經過文獻及實際發放問卷研究探討後,發現消費者體驗之正向感受程度與消費者進行購買決策有關聯,但卻會因為考慮品牌產品之價格而作罷,因此本研究建議星巴克可以不定期透過優惠促銷活動刺激消費者選購其商品,或是透過持續經營「精品咖啡」之品牌形象,營造不一樣的體驗氛圍給顧客、提升整個品牌的檔次,而路易莎則是大量吸引價格導向之消費者,卻沒有留存一個較清晰的品牌形象在消費者心中,因此本文建議路易莎可以加強建立其品牌形象,也就是一提到路易莎就有記憶點可供消費者進行聯想。關鍵字:消費者體驗、品牌形象、品牌知名度、品牌忠誠度、星巴克、路易莎


Recently, terminologies such as customer experience, experience economy, and experience marketing have become a trend, and the commonality among them is the process of experience. In the past, customers only cared about the functions, features, and quality of products, which is converted to the current feeling of consumption experience, that is, what consumers feel during the entire process of consumption, whether good or bad, will leave a place in the minds of consumers. Therefore, brands that only care about the product itself will inevitably be replaced by brands that value experience in this trend of changes. In the study, SPSS 22.0 was used to conduct descriptive statistics to understand the preferences of respondents, and also using Independent Sample T Test and One Way ANOVA to analyze consumers’ perceptions of Starbucks and Louisa’s branding. The results are as follows: 1. The brand image evaluation of Starbucks is higher than that of Louisa. 2. The brand awareness of Starbucks is higher than that of Louisa. 3. The brand loyalty of Louisa is higher than that of Starbucks. After conducting study and research, it is found that the positive feeling of consumer experience is related to consumers’ purchasing decisions, yet they will change because of the price of products. Therefore, this study suggests that Starbucks can host some promotional activities to attract consumers to purchase their products, or through the continuous construction of the brand image of “specialty coffee” to create a different experience and upgrade the quality of the entire brand, and Louisa attracts a large number of price-oriented consumers, but did not have a clearer brand image in the minds of consumers, so the result suggests that Louisa can strengthen its brand image, that is, when Louisa is mentioned, there are some points for consumers to associate. Keywords: customer experience, brand image, brand awareness, brand loyalty, Starbucks, Louisa


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