  • 學位論文

我國政府政策環境影響評估制度深化與改良之研究 -並探討於制度內導入永續性評估之可行性

A Study on the Enhancement and Improvement of Strategic Environmental Assessment and the Feasibility of introducing Sustainability Assessment in Taiwan

指導教授 : 於幼華
共同指導教授 : 駱尚廉


「政府政策環境影響評估」(SEA),即是對於政策、計畫、方案及其替代方案,進行有系統且全面性的環境影響評估。其應用面譬如評估累積性影響、提供有效的衝擊減輕或改善措施、評估有潛在影響卻不受環評規範的行為,以及確保有效的公眾參與等,並可導引於決策過程中納入永續發展考量,而成為近年在環境評估領域的關注焦點。 回顧我國政策環評發展歷程,與國際潮流趨勢比較,我國之發展時程與內涵,可謂毫不遜色。但由於制度的萌發缺乏一定期間的醞釀與公開討論,再加上機關的本位主義扞格,遂使我國在政策環評推動上,雖制度內涵逐漸完備,但進程遲緩。此間原因,究係國情使然抑或制度設計失當,正是本論文亟欲探究的重點。 本論文針對我國現行政策環評相關之制度、程序與方法學中改進之效益最佳者進行研究,並獲致各項成果。研究結果發現,我國已執行完成的政策環境影響評估案例,仍普遍存在缺乏替代方案的研析與提出、公眾參與不足、未納入永續性課題的評估、與其他機關作業上的橫向聯繫不足等問題,但政策環評制度之決策環境影響考量功能,於我國政治制度已初步確立。 本論文針對我國應實施政策環評之政策細項範疇,提出增列之建議與日後定期檢討機制,並嘗試引入「定義法」於篩選機制中,以補充現今「表列法」功能之不足。另為解決現行評估流程之盲點,本論文提出整合式審議與評估程序之建構,以增進整體政策環評作業之科學性與完整性。此外,亦將永續性評估之精神納入現有的政策環評架構中,以提昇評估作業之可操作度與永續性親和度,並尋求矩陣架構中所應導入之永續發展指標,以作為政策永續度具體評定之輔助。最後,並提出我國下一代政策環評系統之建構方向,而為進一步深化我國政策環評制度做出貢獻。


Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a systematic and comprehensive environmental assessment of the government’s proposed policies, plans, programs and alternatives. SEA can be applied to assess cumulative environmental effects, provide effective impact mitigation or improvement measures, evaluate potential effects outside the scope of EIA, ensure adequate public participation, and introduce sustainable development considerations into decision-making process. Due to the various potential applications, SEA has thus become a topic of great research interest in environmental assessment field. A detailed review of the development history revealed that the time frame and contents for SEA development in Taiwan are consistent with the international trend. However, the lack of public debate during the initiation stage, plus the inter-agency bureaucracy has resulted in the slow deployment of SEA in Taiwan, despite a gradually improving scheme. Hence, it is the objectives of this research to study the reason for such slow deployment, determine whether it is due to system design or societal acceptance, and make recommendations to enhance and improve current SEA scheme in Taiwan. In order to achieve the aforementioned objectives, research was conducted by this dissertation on the schemes, procedures and methodologies relevant to the implementation of SEA in Taiwan which are capable of accomplishing greatest improvement effects. Based on study of existing SEA cases in Taiwan, it was observed that despite a well-established SEA scheme which is capable of affecting government decision-making process, the case studies still showed general lack of alternative option proposal and analysis, inadequate public participation, no incorporation of sustainability assessment, and no cross-agency communication and consultation. Based on the above findings, this dissertation proposed added categories in the policies requiring SEA and mechanism for future periodic review, and also attempted to introduce definition method into the indicator selection mechanism in order to make up for the deficiency of the current matrix method. An integrated review and assessment procedure was also proposed to enhance the scientific basis and completeness of the current review procedure. Moreover, the concept of sustainability assessment has been incorporated into the current SEA framework so as to increase the operability of assessment process and acceptance of sustainability; sustainability indicators are also derived and added to the indicator matrix to assist in the assessment of policy sustainability. Finally, the development direction for the next generation of SEA in Taiwan has been proposed, in order to contribute to the further enhancement of SEA.


Strategic Environmental Assessment EIA SEA PPPs Screening


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