  • 學位論文


Shaping the Ecological Rationality of Public Policy-Development and Applications of Integrated Environmental Assessment Model

指導教授 : 馬鴻文


囿於當前評估方法限制,現行政策環境影響評估以及衝擊評估程序,無法有效增進公共政策之生態理性。因此本研究中,則結合工業生態學之評估工具,建構整合性環境評估模型。 相較於既有整合性評估模型,本研究所建構之模型有以下特點,可改善既有公共政策決策程序中,既有環境面決策支援工具之限制: 1. 應用動態混合型多區域盤查分析(Dynamic Hybrid Multi-Regional Inventory Analysis, DHMRI)於污染物與能資源盤查分析,增進部門之解析度,反映技術動態:現行整合性評估模型中,於推估經濟圈之排放量時,其部門分類僅採用能源、工業、農業、住宅使用等粗部門分類方式,故未能就各類發電型式以及不同的工業生產技術動態加以區別,致使於政策分析上之成果受限。本研究中則結合製造導向的生命週期盤查分析(process-oriented life cycle inventory analysis) 與多區域環境延伸投入產出分析(environmentally extended multi-region input-output analysis ),於評估過程中,不僅可細部探討關鍵產業部門經濟活動之變化,對整體環境衝擊之影響,更可將技術動態納入模擬之中,反應相關政策工具之成效。 2. 運用場址相關衝擊評估方法,涵蓋多個環境衝擊類別:目前國際上之整合性評估模型僅針對單一跨區域環境議題,如氣候變遷、酸雨等,進行分析。本模式,則以生命週期衝擊評估方法為基礎,故可同時涵蓋人體健康、生態品質、氣候變遷以及資源耗用等多個衝擊類別。鑑於本整合性環境評估模型所涵蓋之衝擊類別,擴及人體毒性衝擊、光化學煙霧、呼吸道效應、水資源耗用、生態毒性等具有場址相關性之項目。然現行之生命週期衝擊評估方法,僅提供場址一致性之特徵因子(Characterization Factors, CFs),未能將貿易國之地景條件與環境涵容能力之差異納入考量。故本研究中,就具有場址差異性之衝擊類別,針對貿易國之地景、受體與涵容能力之特性,以最佳可行性特徵化模式,估算場址相關特徵因子,應用於衝擊評估,改善既有生命週期衝擊評估方法之限制。 3. 環境責任指標分析:為反映台灣為開放經濟體之特性,因此本研究則參採用國際上所發展之「貿易隱含排放量」的概念,提出環境債比例、環境借貸比例、自我承擔比例三指標,以分析政策之環境衝擊外包效應。 本研究進而應用此整合性環境評估模型,從綠色經濟觀點,分析台灣現行所提出的溫室氣體減量政策。而依據分析結果,在現行減量政策下,除生態品質此衝擊類別外,其於衝擊類別均達相對脫勾現象,而水資源耗用則可達絕對脫勾。但就環境共同效益上,除水資源耗用大幅削減外,人體健康、生態衝擊等兩項目的增幅,均較氣候變遷以及資源耗用兩項為高。此趨勢顯示當前的溫室氣體減量政策,只考慮台灣地理疆域內溫室氣體排放量的削減以及化石燃料耗用之節約,但僅產生了水資源耗用量削減此環境共同效益。綜合上述兩個趨勢可知,雖然當前台灣溫室氣體減量政策,是以弱綠色經濟觀點為政策設計之基礎,而實際上的政策成效,也僅能達到弱綠色經濟觀點的要求。 雖然現有政策可達到相對脫勾,但溫室氣體減量政策的規劃依據,是滿足2020年的溫室氣體排放量削減至2005年的水準的減量目標。但根據評估結果,現行政策無法達到此減量目標。因此本研究進一步就可行的減輕策略加以分析,指出若能落實「產業結構調整」、「推動更積極的全球氣候變遷政策」、「提升既有能源效率進步率目標」、「加速再生能源發展目標的達成」等四項積極減量策略,則可大幅削減減量缺口,其中以將能源效率進步率目標提升至3%,最有助於弭平境內減量缺口。 前述案例分析,則說明本研究所發展之整合性環境評估模型,可將「最終需求增長」、「資源效率以及污染防治技術的提升」、「製程系統的結構變化」、「國內自產率變化」、「貿易國進口比例變動」等因素納入評估。而前述因子,既為產業政策與能源政策規劃中的關鍵要素。故顯見此整合性環境模型,具應用至現行公共政策決策機制增進生態理性之效益。


Owing to the limitation of evaluation tools applied in the strategic environmental assessment and impact assessment, the ecological rationality cannot be embedded in the public policy. Therefore, this study develops a novel integrated environmental assessment model based on the methodologies applied in the industrial ecology. The Integrated Environmental Assessment Model for Public Policy in Taiwan (TWIEA) is developed based on three key methodology reformations. First, a novel inventory method called Dynamic Hybrid Multi-Region Inventory analysis (DHMRI) is developed, which integrates the EEMRIOA and Integrated Hybrid LCA and applies time-dependent environmental intervention information for inventory analysis. Consequently, DHMRI is able to quantify the change in the environmental footprint caused by a specific policy while taking structural changes and technological dynamics into consideration. Second, site-dependent impact assessment method is introduced to overcome the limitations of existing site-generic assessment method. Hence the a set of site-dependent characterization factors are estimated through the best available characterization models for toxicity impact, respiratory effect, photochemical smog and water consumption. Third, in order to reflect the characteristics of an open economy with high resource scarcity, this study proposes the environmental debts ratio and the environmental loans ratio as indicators for examining the geographical shift of the environmental impact. TWIEA model is applied to analysis the environmental implication of existing official climate policy from green economy perspective.The results of this study reveal that under existing policy, relative decoupling will be attained, but no significant environmental co-benefits other than water consumption can be gained. Moreover, the current emission pledges cannot be fulfilled. The presence of increased environmental debt ratios reveals the geographical shifting effect of the existing. The main driver of the expansion of the environmental footprint can be attributed to the export of electronic components and products, which are not included in the agenda of policy discussions. As a result, three crucial policies are suggested to modify the existing climate policy: the implementation of a higher energy efficiency improvement target, rethinking the constraints on the electronics industry and the development of a mechanism to include environmental issues in free trade agreement negotiations. With these changes, the realization of the current emission pledge and a green economy could be possible. The observations from the case study reveal that TWIEA is capable of overcoming the limitations of existing assessment tools at macro-level evaluation of environmental policies. Hence, the practicability of TWIEA to serve as a decision supporting tool to enhance the ecological rationality can be justified.


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