  • 學位論文


Market, State and Society: The Institutionalist Research on Postwar Life Insurance Market in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳東升


本文是以戰後臺灣壽險市場的發展為研究主題。臺灣壽險市場已是國際社會所稱保險成熟市場,但臺灣的死亡保障缺口卻未隨國人保費支出的增加而減少,反倒擴大。為了瞭解究竟是什麼因素造成臺灣壽險市場的獨特性,本文主張必須從影響市場結構之制度環境如何形成著手,並強調完整的市場研究需探討有關市場形成的兩個息息相關的制度化過程:(1)國家如何在本身所處制度環境中制訂正式規則?(2)市場行動者如何在國家所規範的正式規則中形成市場結構?本文預設國家與市場是兩個相互依賴的策略行動場域。這個預設具有兩個意涵。其一,本文的「國家自主性」不是國家不受社會羣體影響的自主性,而是鑲嵌於具體的社會關係中。但國家有可能因為組織形態,而使某個部門的政策意見相較於其他部門的政策意見更有機會被採納,因此,當政體結構與國際情勢有所變化,不同政治行動者在決策過程中的角色與權力也會有所變化。其二,在國家場域與市場場域(或稱非國家場域)中的行動者有所謂「在位者」與「挑戰者」之分,在位者或挑戰者為了促使其他行動者與他合作,會嘗試使其政策觀點成為政策選項之一,進而主導市場發展的走向。然而,儘管行動者會對「外在於」國家場域與非國家場域的歷史事件進行策略性詮釋與利用,使某個歷史事件成為影響政策制訂與市場發展的重要因素,行動者在推動某個政策時卻是基於自身短期的利益考量而非政策的長遠影響,以致政策發展的長遠結果往往是短期政治考量的副產品,或者即使政策制訂者確實是基於政策的長遠影響推動某個政策,卻也會因為有太多行動者參與其中、有太多政策制訂工作要持續進行,以致難以監督政策的實際成效而產出意想不到的政策結果(即市場發展)。 基於上述預設,本文以「威權主義」、「分配主義」、「重商主義」三個不同類型的發展型國家階段來表達國家自主性在不同時期的表現。同時,由於與壽險市場相關的政策議題非常多,限於篇幅,本文選擇以「保險資金運用」、「保險契約關係」、「保險通路管理」這三個政策議題,探討它們在這三個不同類型的發展型國家階段如何形成與發展,又如何經過市場行動者的運用,而為下一階段的政策變遷埋下伏筆。最後,本文亦透過考察每個階段的在位者與挑戰者,來瞭解行動者根據政策所發展出來的市場策略如何影響市場文化的形成。 研究結果發現,就經驗現象而言,臺灣壽險市場的獨特性不只與消費者的觀點及社會經濟的發展有關,亦與國家政策有關。更精準的說法是,社會經濟的發展會影響國家監理壽險市場的相關政策,消費者的觀點則是市場發展的結果。以本文一開始所指出的死亡保障缺口而論,死亡保障缺口隨著國民所得的提高反而擴大的原因多少與國家未以建立國人的保險觀念為政策選項有關,因壽險公司所採取與「保險資金運用」、「保險契約關係」、「保險通路管理」這三個議題相關的策略行動據此就以能夠達到快速累積資本的目的為優先考量,消費者觀點任由壽險公司形塑。就理論意涵而言,臺灣壽險市場的發展經驗清楚說明,國家與市場兩者密切互動。同時,「國家自主性」不能只從國家「獨斷性權力」與「基礎構造權力」的構成來判斷。更重要的是國家的「政策能力」。而國家的政策能力是建立在公民社會的健全之上。亦即,只要國家是個民主政體,公民社會始終對公共議題保持高度關注並採取相應的政治行動,國家與特定資本家或社會羣體之間的特殊關係不會產生只有利於特定資本家或社會羣體的政策發展,只要政策不是圖利特定資本家或社會羣體,市場發展的結果自然朝向有利於社會整體的方向進行。


壽險 市場 場域 國家自主性 制度論


The subject of this dissertation is the development of the postwar life insurance market in Taiwan. Life insurance market in Taiwan is a so-called “mature insurance market” but the mortality protection gap becomes bigger and bigger even though the total premium people pay annually becomes more and more. In order to understand the distinctions of life insurance market in Taiwan, this dissertation argues that the institutional environment affecting the market structure has to be understood, and emphasizes that the complete market research shall be composed of two relevant institutionalizing processes: (1)How the state makes the formal rules?(2)How the market actors develop the market structure in the frame of these formal rules. This article assumes that the state and the market are two interdependent strategic action field. This assumption implies two meanings. First, the state autonomy in this dissertation is the autonomy of the state embedded in the ongoing social relationship between the state and the society rather than the autonomy of the state based on the insulation of the state to the society. However, due to the pattern of the organization of the state, the policy viewpoint of certain authority of the state may prevail over that of others. Therefore, when the polity changes and the international situation changes, the roles and powers of different actors in the policy making process of the state field may change. Second, there are incumbents and challengers in the state field and market field (or nonstate field). Incumbents or challengers will try to make their policy viewpoint become one of the policy options and to dominate the development of the market. However, actors’ strategic interpretation and appropriation of the historical events only make the historical events to be the important factors affecting the policy making and market development, but actors are unable to control how the interpretation and appropriation of the historical events affect the market development. Based on the above-mentioned assumption, this dissertation distinguishes three stages of developmental state in the history of postwar Taiwan: authoritarianism, distributionalism, commercialism. In view too many issues have something to do with the life insurance market; this dissertation chooses three of them: the appropriation of the insurance capital, the conclusion of the insurance contracts, and the management of the insurance channels. Through exploring how these three issues formed and developed in the state field as well how actors use them to advance in creating the probability of policy changes in the nonstate field, this dissertation explains how the strategic actions the actors took influence the formation of the market culture. There are two results come out from this research. With respect to the empirical phenomena, the distinctions of life insurance market in Taiwan not only have something to do with the consumer viewpoints and the level of the socio-economic development of Taiwan but also the state policies. As far as the mortality protection gap concerned, the increase of mortality protection gap is more or less caused by the state action that providing the insurance education to citizens is not one of the policy options. Under these circumstances, the life insurance companies’ strategic actions relative to the appropriation of the insurance capital, the conclusion of the insurance contracts, and the management of the insurance channels are all aiming at speedy capital accumulation and make consumers develop insurance conception which serve the same purpose. With respect to the theoretical inference, the developmental experiences of the life insurance market in Taiwan represent a close interaction of the state and the market. In addition, it also entails that state autonomy shall not only be recognized by the despotic power and the infrastructural power but also the policy power. The policy power of the state is built on the robust civil society that the actors concern public issues and take political actions to defend their rights. Only when the civil society is robust, will the specific relationship between the state and the capitalists or certain social groups bring the market development advantages only these capitalists or certain social groups.


life insurance market field state autonomy institutionalism




