  • 學位論文


The News Coverage on Cross-Strait Relation of Korea Newspapers

指導教授 : 彭文正


本文旨在了解韓國平面媒體對臺灣海峽兩岸議題之相關報導與其社論的視角,為了達到研究目標,本文選取了兩個報紙─「東亞日報」與「韓民族新聞」,由於其兩報各自代表著韓國的保守派與自由派之不同聲音,因此分析其相關新聞與社論便能夠了解韓國國内存在的兩種不同國際認知,而且可以提供解除誤解的機會。1992年中韓建交與台韓斷交以來,中韓台三國關係更加複雜化,有關三國國家的關係成爲相當具有研究價值的領域。本文主要關注於韓國新聞就兩岸關係之報導態度以及相關社論的論調如何改變:就面對國家分裂狀態的韓國而言,中國大陸與臺灣間的複雜關係成爲一個重要而值得研究的議題。不過,兩韓關係與兩岸關係之間顯然存在一些不同之處,本文藉由「框架理論(Framing Theory)」分析與整理韓國媒體對兩岸議題之報導取向。其主要目標為求理解韓國新聞設定哪些議題以及對此研擬出何樣的框架,以此比擬兩韓關係與兩岸關係之差異。雖然有許多相關的先行研究,不過其大部分的焦點都集中在中國大陸及經濟發展,有關臺灣與兩岸政治議題的研究卻明顯不足,因此本文欲將研究問題聚焦於韓國新聞對兩岸議題包括政治、經濟、社會與文化等多方面的觀點。期望本研究之結果,對於往後相關韓國媒體在兩岸議題的報導或研究上,提供更具學術性的參考立據,以及更爲可觀性的實際面進行研究探討。 本文從「框架分析」中「形式框架」與「主題框架」入手,探討兩大韓國平面媒體對兩岸議題的報導,即發現韓國新聞主要關心的兩岸議題為政治上糾紛、軍事衝突、經濟上合作與交流,並發現其報導與韓國的國家利益高度相關。經由「内容分析」,兩家報社所關注的議題也顯得大同小異,透過文獻回顧與歸納,韓國媒體對國外報社的高度依賴間接地影響其報導新聞傾向中立,不偏不倚的評價。


The research focused on two major Korean newspapers; Dong-A Daily and The Hankyoreh, which are known for the different extremes in their editorial tone. The study examined 451 randomly selected news articles from the two, and analyzed their contents and types of assessments on Cross-Strait relations issues. The analysis looked at how two newspapers perceived the problems between China and Taiwan, and how different their outlooks on the same issue. By doing so, it also provided insights on the issues Korean media has been interested in. In order to answer key questions of this study, content analysis and framing analysis were chosen as the main research methods. The studied articles on Cross-strait relations were published between August 1992 and August 2012. In conclusion, in terms of media frame type, majority of news coverage by Dong-A Daily and The Hankyoreh on Cross-Strait relations used episodic frame. The two most frequent topics are the negative effect on the political security in East Asia and the negative impact on economy which both are related to Korea’s national interest. The two news agencies didn’t show any noticeable differences in their type of assessments and frames on these issues. In most cases, both used the information available by other foreign news agencies and the official government announcements as their basis of the stories, and they were quoted in articles. Although some reports have a far unfavorable view, the most tends to remain neutral. This concludes that in delivering the same issue on Cross-Strait relations, the two newspapers show only little difference.


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