  • 學位論文


An Ontological Analysis of the Environmental Education Curriculum

指導教授 : 游以德


我國環境教育法自2010年發布以來,開啟了環境教育的里程碑,希冀透過環境教育重新連結人與土地的倫理關係,環境教育的最終目標為每個人皆能成為具有環境素養的環境公民,而環境素養即透過環境知識的認知、自我思考、提出環境問題解決方法到實際付諸行動的過程。 知識本體論自古希臘哲學概念延伸而來,由探討萬有中存在、實體、抽象關係及其本質的形而上問題,跨進實際應用層面後,成為二十一世紀新興的知識管理工具,因此,本研究透過目標導向系統分析思維和知識本體論工具,針對環境教育教案進行知識本體論架構建置與分析,以環境素養指標作為目標,回饋該教案並提出建議。 本研究透過知識本體論工具進行環境教育設施場所如:臺大農場農藝分場、飛牛牧場、頭城農場、阿里磅農場等教案分析,得以了解各環境教育教案知識本體論架構與教學目標、環境素養指標之間關連性,雖然各教育場所因自身環境資源的不同而有不同的教學特色,但環境素養的宗旨不變的前提下,仍可針對各教案內容提出不同的建議供相關單位參考,因此可知,知識本體論在環境教育的應用上有其正面效益。


Environmental Education Act of this nation had published in 2010, the goal of Environmental Education Act can connect the relationship between the citizen and the land Ethic. And the ultimate goal of environmental education is to cultivate the citizen to have well-mannered toward environment. And the Environmental Literacy is cultivated from cognitive environmental knowledge, self-reflection, and the process of proposing the environmental solutions to put into action. The ontology was originated from the Greek philosophy concept since the old times. And the definition of the ontology is to discuss the existence in the world and its essence. After using this theory into the practical application, the ontology becomes the emerging management tool of knowledge in 21st century. This research use the ontology theory on environmental curriculum in order to analyze whether this curriculum can achieve the indicator of Environmental Literacy, which can feedback to this lesson plan and as a suggestion. After practicing the ontology tool on the environment to educate the facility place, such as: NTU Experimental Farm,Flyingcow Ranc,Toucheng Farm,Aliban ecological farm, we can understand both various environment education curriculum and the construction of ontology;moreover, we can know whether this curriculum can fulfill the goal of Environmental Literacy. Therefore, we are can convinced that the ontology has its positive benefit in the environment education application.


Nicola Guarino,1995,Ontologies and knowledge base:Towards a terminological clarification.
Nicola Guarino,1998,Formal Ontology and Information Systems.
John F. Sowa,1995,Top-level ontological categories.
