  • 學位論文


The Strategy Analysis of the TV Monitor Business of the Display Firm: The Case of T Company

指導教授 : 陳忠仁
共同指導教授 : 柯冠州


策略管理大師麥可.波特,1996年在《哈佛商業評論》發表〈What is Strategy?〉一開始就提到“Operational Effectiveness is not Strategy” 主要是因為近二十年來,公司的經理人不斷學習依循一套全新的規則來運作:例如,企業必須保持彈性,迅速回應競爭與市場的變化;持續進行標竿學習(benchmarking)求取最佳表現;積極外包以提升效率;及企業必須培養一些新的核心能力,才能超越競爭對手。各個企業經理人,經過幾年的營運效能上的不斷提升,許多企業如今面臨獲利下降的窘境。持續改善的觀念已經烙印在經理人的腦中,但他們運用的工具卻在不知不覺中將企業引導到模仿和同質性高的路上。經理人逐漸讓營運效能取代了策略,結果造成零和競賽,價格持平,甚至下降,再加上成本的壓力,結果削弱了企業長期投資的能力。 自1925年,第一台電視被發明後,電視被世人公認為是20世紀的重要發明之一,至今仍是十分普遍的訊息傳播工具,全球年每年的銷售量約2.2億台,營業額約一兆美元的規模。對於這樣大規模的產業,自然是各大品牌的戰場,在最近的20年內,由於國際各大企業的競爭,管理不斷優化漸漸的形成麥可.波特所述的零和競賽的產業。 電視規格有地域性國家性,譬如美國的電視廣播系統是ATSC;歐洲的廣播系統是DVB;中國的廣播系統是DTMB,且各方面的規格不斷的更新,譬如,從稍早的SD (Standard Definition)演進到Full-HD (Full High Definition),然後到現在的UHD (Ultra High Definition),甚至8K (Super Hi-Vision System)的解析度。顯示的技術,從CRT時代,到LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)、Plasma,LCD背光的技術從燈管到LED再到mini-LED,最近則發展至OLED(Light-Emitting Diode)與Micro LED的自發光技術。 除了技術上不斷的演進、變化,還有最重要的,電視內容由廣播演化到MOD (Multimedia on Demand)再到Netflix、Amazon這類的影音網路串流服務。Roku由Set-top box,dongle device起家,因為對於串流服務的掌握,也進入了電視市場,與其他電視品牌co-brand發展Roku TV。另外,中國市場的MiTV or華為TV,也是因為smart home system的興起,而跨入電視產業,於此同時,Apple暫停了Apple品牌電視的計畫。以上,都可以發現,電視產業已經不是單純的買賣硬體的產業,也包含許多不同的商業模式。再在地說明瞭,這個兵家必爭之地,不僅是規模經濟的對抗,也包含的對於關鍵技術演進掌握、垂直整合能力,更考驗的是對於商業模式改變的適應能力。如何在這變化多端的市場,生存下來,且還要面臨中國對手以政府資本擴大競爭,探討T公司電視事業部的事業佈局、競爭策略及競爭優勢是本篇論文想要討論的議題。 本研究採用文獻探討法,收集市場資訊,比較大陸崛起品牌TCL與Hisense的優勢與劣勢,對比T公司內部資訊,採用BCG矩陣、與SWOT找出T公司電視事業部未來的佈局方向與競爭策略。不管採用BCG或是SWOT,重複不斷的檢視,確認相關因素是否有變化,競爭環境是否有改變,大環境是否改變,進而再次的調整策略。 分析結果,TCL與Hisense以面板採購為策略主軸,目標是以低價搶市的方式拓展市場,為因應TCL與Hisense的強勢猛攻,T公司應採用『差異化策略』,強化公司產品定位,為『歐洲』品牌,以強勢的OBM品牌、堅強的R D團隊與世界工廠,先發展歐洲為主要市場,帶動ODM北美客戶Vizio、BestBuy。ODM加OBM、歐洲加北美的『兩條腿策略』為底,發展帶動其他客戶如中國的ODM品牌,小米、華為、Hisense、Skyworth,OBM資源整合,強化南美洲與亞太市場。


電視產業 五力分析 SWOT BCG 競爭策略


Strategy master Michael. Porter, published "What is Strategy?" in Harvard Business Review in 1996. It mentioned "Operational Effectiveness is not Strategy" at very beginning. In the past two decades, company managers have been learning to follow a new set of rules to operate. For example, companies must remain flexible and respond quickly to competition and market changes. Continuous benchmarking for best performance; active outsourcing to improve efficiency; and companies must cultivate some new core capabilities to surpass competitors. After several years of continuous improvement in operating efficiency of various corporate managers, many companies are now facing the dilemma of declining profits. The concept of continuous improvement has been imprinted in the minds of managers, but the tools they use unknowingly lead the company to the path of imitation and high homogeneity. Managers gradually replaced strategy with operational efficiency, which resulted in zero-sum competitions, with prices remaining flat or even falling, and cost pressures, as a result, weakened the company's ability to invest in the long-term. Since the invention of the first television in 1925, television has been recognized by the world as one of the important inventions of the 20th century. It is still a very general device for information dissemination. The business scale is about 1 trillion dollars with 220 million TV sets pre-year. For such a large-scale industry, it is naturally the battlefield for major brands. In the last 20 years, due to the competition of major international companies, management has been continuously optimized and gradually formed a zero-sum competition industry just like Michael Porter mentioned. TV specifications are regional and national. For example, the TV broadcasting system in the United States is ATSC; the broadcasting system in Europe is DVB; the broadcasting system in China is DTMB. Various specifications are constantly updated, for example, from the earlier SD (Standard Definition) to Full-HD (Full High Definition), and then to the current UHD (Ultra High Definition) or even 8K (Super Hi-Vision System) resolution. Display technology, from the CRT era, to LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), Plasma; LCD backlight technology from tube to LED to mini-LED, and recently developed to OLED (Light-Emitting Diode) and Micro LED self-luminous technology. In addition to continuous technological evolution and changes, and most importantly, TV content has evolved from broadcasting to MOD (Multimedia on Demand) and then to audiovisual network streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon. Roku started from Set-top box and dongle device. Because of its mastery of streaming services, it also entered the TV market and developed Roku TV with other TV brands co-brand. In China, MiTV or Huawei which are Mobile brand also entered the TV industry because of the rise of the smart home system. At the same time, Apple suspended its plans for Apple brand TVs. From all above, it can be found that the TV industry is no longer a purely buying and selling hardware industry, but also contains many different business models. It is further explained that this battleground is not only the confrontation of economies of scale, but also includes the ability to master the evolution of key technologies and the ability to vertically integrate, and what is more test is the ability to adapt to changes in business models. How to survive in this ever-changing market and face Chinese rivals to expand competition with government capital. Discussing the business layout, competitive strategy and competitive advantage of the TV division of T-Company are the topics that this thesis wants to discuss. This thesis adopts the literature research method to collect market information, compares the advantages and disadvantages of the rising mainland brands TCL and Hisense. To compares the internal information of T-company, with the BCG matrix and SWOT to find out the future layout direction and competitive strategy of T-company. Regardless of whether BCG or SWOT is used, repeat the inspection to confirm whether the relevant factors have changed, whether the competitive environment has changed, whether the general environment has changed, and then adjust the strategy again. This is also the "Competition itself is a dynamic process" emphasized in dynamic competition, which can help companies effectively predict the response of competitors. According to the analysis results, TCL and Hisense take the panel procurement as the main strategic axis, and their goal is to expand the market in a low-price way. In response to the strong attack of TCL and Hisense, T-Company should adopt a "differentiation strategy" to strengthen the company's product positioning. "Europe" brand, with strong OBM brand, strong R D team and global factories, first develop Europe as the main market, and drive ODM North American customers Vizio and BestBuy. ODM plus OBM, Europe plus North America's "two-legged strategy" as a base, develop and drive other customers such as Chinese ODM brands, Xiaomi, Huawei, Hisense, Skyworth, OBM resource integration, and strengthen the South American and Asia-Pacific markets.


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