  • 學位論文


Pollen record of the penultimate glacial sediments from the Yuchi Basin, Central Taiwan.

指導教授 : 劉平妹


不論是在台灣地區或是東亞地區,關於倒數第二次冰期高解析度的孢粉記錄皆為稀少,本研究希望能提供一個在倒數第二次冰期較高解析度的孢粉分析記錄,以利於了解台灣過去兩次冰期間氣候變遷趨勢的異同及變化。採取魚池盆地海拔高度510-540公尺處,總長近30公尺的岩芯CTN6,洗選共146個沉積物樣本。經由孢粉組合分析將其劃分為Ⅲ、Ⅱ、Ⅰ帶共三個孢粉帶,其中Ⅱ帶再加以劃分出Ⅱb、Ⅱa兩個亞帶。 以井樣CTN4與井樣WKⅠ、WKⅠ-1合併代表魚池盆地北部的連續沉積序列,利用魚池盆地沉積上部的定年資料及與頭社盆地孢粉組合的對比,魚池井樣的結果顯示自上部以赤楊屬(Alnus)為優勢的上次冰期,往下進入以苦槠屬(Castanopsis)-青剛櫟屬(Cyclobalanopsis)為優勢的上次冰期早期及上次間冰期,繼續向下是草本花粉明顯擴張、苦槠屬-青剛櫟屬大為減少的組合,推測此階段進入了倒數第二次冰期的冷乾氣候。由於魚池盆地沉積物趨於水平,便經由海拔高度對比推估本研究井樣CTN6已達倒數第二次冰期、孢粉組合結果可分III、 II、 I等三帶。其中Ⅱ帶表現出較為乾冷的氣候,主要是以杉科(Taxodiaceae)、灰木屬(Symplocos)、青剛櫟屬等為主,特別的是在此帶草本植物比木本植物更為優勢,主要是以莎草科(Cyperaceae)及禾本科(Gramineae)為主,表示此次冰期明顯較上次冰期氣候乾燥。Ⅲ帶及Ⅰ帶不論是在孢粉組合上抑或植被區劃法的結果皆顯示出較Ⅱ帶為溫暖潮濕的氣候型態,Ⅲ帶是以亞熱帶森林與暖溫帶森林為主,且木本植物主要是青剛櫟屬、苦槠屬、杉科、灰木屬及冬青屬(Ilex)較為優勢,草本植物仍是佔有20-40%的百分比。此階段則由於青剛櫟屬、苦槠屬明顯較Ⅱ帶擴張且草本植物較為衰退,故推測此時是較溫暖且潮濕的氣候,但可能仍在倒數第二次冰期早期。Ⅰ帶則表現出亞熱帶森林、暖溫帶森林、溫帶森林反覆交互出現的情形,但仍是以亞熱帶森林表現的稍微優勢,木本植物是以青剛櫟屬、苦槠屬、杉科較為優勢,草本植物也較Ⅱ帶減少許多,雖苦槠屬未達最優勢但也是相對較為溫暖潮濕的氣候,據歐洲的孢粉記錄也顯示進入上次間冰期時之初,植被變化也是較為緩和漸進的,故此階段推測為上次間冰期早期。 本研究經由孢粉帶Ⅱ帶的分析結果,可知倒數第二次冰期比上次冰期草本植物的平均總量較多,確實較上次冰期明顯乾燥,與在中國利用黃土顆粒重建沙漠邊緣的記錄也顯示了相同的結果。利用木本植物/草本植物的比例變化得知早期仍有相對較為潮濕的時期,並非如前人研究所表現在整個倒數第二次冰期皆為乾燥的氣候。


Pollen record of the penultimate glacial period, Core CTN6 in Yuchi Basin, central Taiwan, is studied with an effort to improve our knowledge of this glacial. The core is 29.4 m in length and sampling interval is 10 cm. 146 samples are processed for pollen analysis in total. Three pollen zones (Ⅲ, Ⅱ andⅠ) from lower to upper are assigned according to the ratio of arboreal pollen and non-arboreal (AP/NAP) pollen. Arboreal pollen dominated in Zone Ⅲ, which consist mainly of Cyclobalanopsis/Querus, Taxodiaceae and Castanopsis. Herbs are generally less than 40%. Zone Ⅱ is characterized by the increase of herbs and temperate elements, like pollen of Taxodiaceae, Symplocos as well as the decrease of Cyclobalanopsis/Querus, Castanopsis, indicating the penultimate glacial period. Finally in ZoneⅠarboreal pollen such as Cyclobalanopsis-Castanopsis increased again and herbs decreased to below 40%, indicating amelioration of climate. In contrast to the evergreen broadleaved forest found there today, the herbs prevailed assemblage of Zone Ⅱ, represented a relatively drier climate than present. We suggest that the penultimate glacial period is even drier than the last glacial period shown in the record of Toushe Basin according to the lower AP/NAP. This coincided with the result derived from the loess grain analysis in China which indicated that MIS 6 is the driest glacial.


Climate Penultimate glacial Pollem analysis


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