  • 學位論文


The Community Development Work in Network Governance: The Case of Xindian District Office in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 施世駿


本研究以網絡治理的觀點,檢視我國社區發展工作的推動情形,探討具高度自主的社區成員間相互依賴、持續交流及接受共同規範等內涵的運作情形。在我國,鄉(鎮、市、區)公所是第一線輔導社區發展協會的單位,其中又以直轄市政府的區公所較為特殊,因與各局處互為平行機關不受其直接管轄,加上對具人民團體性質的社區發展協會採低度控管的方式,必須同時符合地方發展精神及市政府交辦施政方針,扮演的角色與推動方式相當具彈性。 本研究透過相關文獻與運用深度訪談方式,訪問與新店區公所共同推動社區發展工作的網絡成員共10人,試圖了解各個網絡成員對區公所的看法、期待與公私協力的推動情形,來回應我國採網絡治理推動社區發展的現況。 經過分析可歸納以下幾點:一、區公所在地陪伴的角色有其不可取代性,在輔導社區發展協會推動各項工作與在網絡中進行溝通協調等功能,都建立在具彼此互信及長期陪伴的夥伴關係上;二、中央部會及地方局處的橫向聯繫尚未整合,加上當前的補助方案皆無社區發展協會之參與,顯示目前社區發展工作治理中的協調功能尚不完整;三、應先解決基層人力不足問題,並透過與專業團隊明確分工來達到整合目標;四、服務方案應回歸社區需求,兼顧優劣社區的輔導,避免造成社區資源分配差異。 未來國家許多政策執行都需仰賴社區團體協助,期使本研究提供之相關分析與建議,能改善當前的治理困境與協助區公所釐清自身在治理網絡中的定位,運用區公所的特點與優勢,協助政府擔任國家與民間的橋樑與資源整合平臺,促進社區永續發展。


The present study examines the promotion of community development in Taiwan from the perspective of network governance, and explores the interdependence, continuous exchange and acceptance of the common norms among community members. Since the Hsiang (township, city, district) government is at the frontline of the counseling community development association, District Offices in municipality are particulary distinct because they must meet the specific requirement of local development and implement the government policy at the same time. Moreover, as the general development policy demonstrates more flexibility than before, District Offices share parallel powers as other local government branches and wield certain leeway in the policy implementation. The present study draws on the review of relevant literature as well as the results of 10 interviews this author conducted with members of the governance network within the community development, in an attempt to understand the various viewpoints and expectations towards District Offices in current community development. Major findings can be summarized as follows: (1) Due to the fact that the work of counseling community development association is based on trust and long-term partnerships with other agencies, the role of District Office is irreplaceable. (2) Lack of icommunication within the government shows insufficient coordination in the community development work management. (3) Problems of personell shortage at the ground level require serious counter-measures, along with a clear division of labour for the team to achieve greater integration. (4) Service programs should be realigned to the community needs, together with the attention to coordinate various communities to avoid inequalities in community resource allocation. As crucial policies rely on the participation of community members in the future, the present study provides a detailed analysis with the goal to inform policy recommendations to facilitate the work of the district office in the governance network, while assisting the government work in the role as a bridge among the civils, and as a platform for resource integration to promote the sustainable development of local communities.


吳明儒(2011a)。〈社區結盟、社區培力與社區行動之個案研究- 以台南市北區社區旗艦計畫團隊為例〉,《台灣社區工作與社區研究學刊》1(1):45-90。
