  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Corporate Turnaround of a Technology-based Company

指導教授 : 李吉仁


隨著全球產業出現結構性的變化,不少企業逐漸走入歷史,只有少數企業能夠浴火重生,對於能在歷經績效反轉過程後再次崛起的企業而言,其所採行的應對策略,對其他可能面臨相同困境的公司而言,應具有高度參考價值。基於此研究動機,本研究以一家台灣上櫃高科技企業進行深度個案分析,歸結能夠績效反轉的關鍵因素,並據以檢視相關學理,期能提供未來進一步研究探索的機會。 個案公司因過去營運表現不錯,而陷入”贏家詛咒”的現象,隨後,該公司意識到產業出現轉折,並以最快速度進行反應。個案公司在面臨產業環境變遷,客戶或產業價值鏈的移動,除以正面積極的態度面對外,另於危機初期採取人員精簡、組織縮編及成本與費用的管控以進行組織止血,後續更進一步的利用獲利時的人才累積,選任人格特質適合的新領導人與高階團隊進行策略轉變,使經營績效自2013年起開始谷底反轉。其次,個案公司因有具企業總部功能的企業資源整合中心作為後勤支援,再搭配穩健及厚實的財務結構為基礎,使得個案公司得以順利產生績效反轉與轉型的成果。 根據深度訪談,本研究認為企業進行績效反轉能否成功,關鍵影響因素包含:轉折點的洞察力與快速應變能力、變革領導人的選任、多元化的人才培育與累積、組織全員動員及願景與信心的建立。此外,本研究亦發現,策略執行能否成功,實有賴合適的領導人才,方能產生效果;而企業在平衡經營風險及追求持續成長時,必須同時投入新事業的發展,方能避免再度陷入成長的危機。 本研究建議,企業若欲追求永續發展及公司成長,董事長及執行長最好非由同一人擔任,才能有效平衡長短期成長作為,此外,集團內董事會及各功能性委員會的積極參與,可提供組織多元的意見,對於公司經營發展、接班人選任、公司治理及員工激勵等層面,均可產生顯著的助益。另外,若能建立起專業經理人制度與透明公平的治理環境,將有助於員工與企業共同攜手共創共榮。最後,為達成永續經營目標,企業應建立學習型組織,讓企業總部與事業群發揮分工與綜效,建立跨領域的先進技術發展委員會、設立新事業發展委員會、並成立人才發展委員會,讓整體管理架構得以因應未來公司持續成長所需。


Many companies failed to survive facing increasing incidence of structural changes in global industries. Only some of them can turn around from seriously poor performance. How to overcome performance drop and successfully turn it over to even better situation therefore becomes a valuable experience to learn. Despite such a need, little research has been made on this topic area, which motivates the present research. To achieve the research goal, we undertook an in-depth case study based on a listed, technology-based company, which has been experienced serious turnaround recently. The case company fell into the so-called “winner’s curse” in the very beginning of the downturn due to previous outstanding performance. However, the company was suddenly aware of being on the turning point of the industrial change and made a quick response in the early stage of the turnaround. First, it tried to deal with this situation positively and stabilize the crisis by means of organizational downsizing, cost and expenses control, etc. when it underwent the change of the industrial structure by moving upward along the value chain. Second, the company selected new leaders with right personality from its talent pool. The outcome appeared to be good judging from the financial performance of later years. In addition, company’s backend functions, management infrastructure and financial stocks helped the turnaround significantly. Our study further concludes that management insight, quick response, change leadership, incubation and accumulation of the diversified talent pool, full cooperation and participation of the team members, and establishment of the vision and confidence, are all critical to the turnaround success. By learning from the turnaround, the case company decides to create its second and third growth curves while the current business is still growing. Our study also suggests that the Chairman and the CEO shall be separated so that short-term and long-term growth initiative can be taken care well. Other corporate initiatives ensuring sustainable growth and suggestions for future research along the line of inquiry are also suggested.


天下經濟論壇,2012,「聯強五力,奇異4E:助你培養接班人才」,天下經濟論壇網站 http://cwef.cw.com.tw/2012/article/article222.aspx。
