  • 學位論文


Characteristics of Taiwan Lifeline 1995 Telephone Counseling: Association with Suicide Statistics and Development of an Intervention Program

指導教授 : 張齡尹
共同指導教授 : 陳秀熙(Hsiu-Hsi Chen)


本研究之目的係利用所收集之全台20個生命線協會,於2018年與2019年的服務特性資料與衛生福利部公布之各縣市自殺相關數據,分析各縣市生命線之特性及其與縣市自殺相關數據之關聯性,並根據研究結果發展自殺防治介入計畫。 本研究結果發現,2019年之生命線服務人次與自殺通報人次呈現統計上顯著負相關,基於此結果,因此提出『點-線-面』的生命線自殺防治網絡量能提升介入計畫。具體而言,本計畫以彙整與盤點生命線服務資源為基礎,運用現有資訊化基礎,推動1995協談專線之集中進線、紀錄集中管理、線上集中督導與隔夜班專職協談機制,接續以個案管理模式,依個案所在地區與需求,提供適當資源轉介與服務,以落實自殺防治在地化。另外,為因應本研究期間新冠肺炎疫情所帶來的新常態社會,近一步提出協談資源彙整、優化協談人力與積極開展多元化的網路協談管道等建議,以強化介入方案之完整性。 最後,本研究調查過程中,經由工作人員與志工主動回饋許多質性資料,發現持續關心他人與社會群體利益,同時照顧自我並為自身工作生活負責,是在新興疾病下,維持心理健康復原力與生命韌性最好的方法,也強調有具備生命韌性的個人,方能建構具備復原力的社會環境。 在未來新常態社會下,何項特質與認知有助於心理健康工作的推動或其與協談專線定位之關係分析,可作為後續研究之議題。


The purpose of this research is to analyze the collected data on the service characteristics of 20 lifeline associations in Taiwan in 2018 and 2019, and the data on suicide at the county and city levels published by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, analyze their correlation, and based on the research results, develop Suicide Prevention Intervention Program. The results of this study found that there was a statistically significant negative correlation between the number of lifeline services and the number of suicide notifications in 2019. Based on this result, it is proposed that the "dot-line-surface" lifeline suicide prevention network enhance intervention plan. Specifically, this intervention collects and takes stock of lifeline service resources, and uses the existing information foundation to promote the centralized entry of 1995 calling, centralized management of records, centralized online supervision, and full-time overnight shift consultation mechanism of 1995 Life line, followed by case management. Model, according to the area and needs of the case, provide appropriate referral resources and services, and implement the localization of suicide prevention and treatment. Furthermore, in response to the new normal society of the covid-19 epidemic during this research period. Further suggestions are put forward, such as the integration of consultation resources, the optimization of consultation manpower, and the active development of diversified network consultation channels, so as to strengthen the integrity of the intervention plan. This study also found that through the active feedback of many qualitative data by staff and volunteers, it was found that continuing to care about the interests of others and social groups, while taking care of oneself and taking responsibility for one's own work and life, is the key to maintaining mental health resilience and improving mental health under emerging diseases. Individuals with resilience can build resilient social environments. In the face of the new normal society, which traits and cognitions contribute to the promotion of mental health work, or the analysis of their relationship with the positioning of the consultation line, can be the subject of follow-up research.


Lifeline Australia. 2020年07月12日瀏覽於https://www.lifeline.org.au/about-lifeline/lifeline-information/lifelines-living-history
金門日報 (2020)。社區心衛中心拓點設心理諮商服務於兒少中心(2020年5月30日)2020年7月28日瀏覽於https://www.kmdn.gov.tw/1117/1271/1272/318508?fbclid=IwAR10xkwreStlrxVA5rzIo-fhxrdKQNtyVV9Ox3xR5ODpGnFYwcG1_fedK00
