  • 學位論文


Green Supply Chain Models Evaluating E-Waste Reverse Logistics Performance in Taiwan

指導教授 : 許鉅秉




This paper develops green supply chain models to investigate performances of different reverse logistics systems, focusing on the return rate of e-waste. Arguments are embodied in a closed-loop supply chain with a monopolistic manufacturer in compliance of waste clearance regulation in Taiwan and return rate decided by responsible parties’ investment in collecting activities. Three scenarios are considered, including 1). current recycling fund system, 2). manufacturer collection system as a proposed bill from EPA regulates, and 3). manufacturer collection system with consumer preference of green manufacturer. Through solving profit maximization problem for responsible parties for reverse logistics parties, the models can derive firm’s profitability and return rate of e-waste. A numerical study is conducted using Acer notebook computers as the example. Among the three models, the second scenario yields the best profitability of the system, while, the third has the highest return rate. Also, from sensitivity analysis, this research finds that system with consumer awareness can look after not only return rate but also firm’s profit when model parameters are improved for operation.


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