  • 學位論文


FinTech Developments and Applications Related to Bank’s Corporate Banking Business

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


金融科技對金融產業產生重大的改變,當國際間參與者紛紛投入金融科技應用,臺灣也不惶多讓,推出一連串的金融科技政策與法規,讓金融業者能夠開始提供創新的金融服務。不過觀察國內業者的金融科技實務與研究,主要集中在銀行的消費金融領域,對企業金融領域較少著墨,因此本研究決定探討此領域。 本研究從企業金融領域切入,以文獻分析法蒐集國內外銀行與金融科技公司在企業金融四大業務的金融科技應用案例,並將案例再細分為前台與中後台,進行歸納統整與比較分析,欲了解各個對象目前在各業務上應用之模式、技術、程度等。本研究發現,不同對象在各個企業金融業務中之金融科技應用各有不同,對供給需求方產生的效益也有差異。在現金管理與衍生性金融商品業務中,銀行主要運用金融科技優化平台以及後台作業流程。而在一般融資與貿易融資業務中,則導入較多技術來將中後台流程簡化、改造、以及提升效率,並擴大客群來服務更多過往容易被忽略的中小企業。另一方面,金融科技公司則有較多的創新流程,例如P2P。而在技術上,可以觀察到較多大數據、人工智慧、與區塊鏈之應用。此外,金融業者間以及金融業者與科技公司間開始有了許多合作,打破過往競爭的關係,轉為競合。 綜觀各案例,可以看到國內銀行在四個業務的創新案例皆較少,並且技術種類也較單一。本研究分析差異的原因,除了因為政策法規面之外,銀行本身的業務重點也有影響,再加上國內金融科技競爭低,以及銀行業者需要時間研發新技術應用或是尋找技術合作方,因此整體而言步調比較緩慢。最後,本研究以國外應用趨勢為基礎,提出管理意涵與建議,供國內銀行作為未來發展金融科技方向之參考。


金融科技 企業金融


FinTech has made huge impacts on financial industry, and financial participants around the world, including Taiwan, have started making innovations in financing services. However, while banks are making great FinTech contributions in consumer banking, we seldom see innovations in corporate banking. As a result, this study aims to seek FinTech applications in corporate banking area around the world. The method of this study is document analysis. By comparing and analyzing FinTech cases of domestic banks, international banks, and FinTech companies in corporate banking area, this study concludes and explains the differences of the use of FinTech by different objects and also the benefits to both supply and demand side participants. Compare to cash management and derivatives business, both financing business are using more diversified technologies not only improving efficiency but also expanding more customers. As to FinTech companies, they are making much more process innovations, for example P2P. This study also found that companies are implementing big data, ai, and blockchain more often. Last but not least, we can see the relationship between objects are changing from competition into coopetition. The result shows that domestic banks are having less FinTech innovations, not only because of the policy and law restrictions, but also the priority between different business, competition in the industry, and the time-consuming processes of technology development. At last, this study formed corresponding managerial suggestions for domestic banks to develop FinTech applications in corporate banking area in the future.


FinTech Corporate Banking


一、 英文文獻
Arner, D. W., Barberis, J., Buckley, R. P. (2015). The evolution of Fintech: A new post-crisis paradigm. Geo. J. Int'l L., 47, 1271.
EY (2016). Capital Markets: innovation and the FinTech landscape
World Economic Forum (2015). The Future of Financial Services
二、 中文文獻
