  • 學位論文


Gaming as a toxic environment: A political theory perspective

指導教授 : 陳嘉銘


隨著時代的改變,網際網路成為人們實體的社會空間外、溝通互動的重要場域,電子遊戲在當代也已經是人與人社交的重要媒介,在遊戲中,肆無忌憚的言論是許多玩家習以為常,並藉此放鬆身心的行為,但在有趣之餘,其中的「惡意言論」以及「惡劣行徑」不僅僅會直接造成遊戲的破壞,在許多狀況下,也要擔心惡意言論更進一步傷害到玩家日常生活的可能性。本論文以John Stuart Mill的言論傷害原則做為出發,從幾位學者對於遊戲的分析,闡述電子遊戲具有某些特殊性,訂定了結構性的因素,使得玩家之間的傷害並不直接。遊戲作為人類生活漸趨重要的選項,單一化的視角及目標—追求實力為原則,使得遊戲瀰漫了一股負面情緒,並討論Martha Nussbaum關於「憤怒」與究責,在各種方面排除了玩家追求價值的實現。最終則以Iris Young的「壓迫」作為啟發,論及玩家之間的交火與網際群體身分的重層性相關,試圖反省作為遊戲機制中的玩家,應該意識到一種對遊戲結構的「責任」,遊戲公司可以透過賦權予玩家共同追求更多樣化的環境,以實現玩家在其中能追求各種不同價值的可能性。


電子遊戲 傷害 名譽 壓迫 社會群體 責任 憤怒


With the change of time, the Internet has become a vital way for communications and socialization outside of our physical space. For many, video game has developed into an important medium for socializing. In games, malicious comments and remarks are common amongst players. It’s a way for the player to feel relax and free. However, some malicious comments and behaviours have often time caused harm to the game itself, and in many cases, these comments can create a toxic environment for other players. This thesis takes John Stuart Mill’s harm principles as a starting point and with the support of other scholars to further analyse how gaming can create a toxic environment which can cause harm to players indirectly. As gaming progress into an integral part of people’s lives, the immersive experience of video game can be harmful to the players and skew their perspective, that is only care about pursuing power and strength in the game. Often times, with such goal oriented structural gaming setup can make the game permeate with negative emotions. The thesis then discusses Martha Nussbaum’s “Anger” and accountability, on how gaming can exclude players from pursuing the realization of value in other aspects of life. Further, the thesis will use Iris Young’s “oppression” as inspiration, and discuss how the fights between players and the multi-layered identity nature of the gaming community can harm the gaming experience, then reflect on how a player should be aware of their "responsibility" when playing within the game structure. Finally, the thesis looks at how game developers can empower players and together developed a more diverse gaming environment. Allowing players to realizes the possibility to pursue different values within the game.


Video Game Harm Reputation Oppression Social Group Responsibility Anger


Amartya Sen著,林宏濤譯,2013,《正義的理念》,臺北:商周出版。
Bernard Suits著,胡天玫、周育萍譯,2016,《蚱蜢—遊戲、生命與烏托邦》,新北市:心靈工坊。
Iris Young著,陳雅馨譯,2017,《正義與差異政治》,臺北:商周出版。
Johan Huizinga著,成窮譯,2013,《遊戲人—對文化中遊戲因素的研究》,新北:康德出版社。
