  • 學位論文


Patent Bibliometric Performance Measure: A Modified Citation Rate Analysis with Dynamic Citation Windows

指導教授 : 陳達仁


本研究的主要目的是改進過往在進行專利被引用率分析時,對所有分析對象皆採用固定引用期間(citation window)之現象,提出動態引用期間(dynamic citation window)以利後續分析與分析對象間之比較。本研究採用被引用半衰期(cited half-life)之概念建立一每年變動之動態引用期間模型以符合每個分析對象不同之特性與被引用型態,基於每個分析對象之動態引用期間,可以得出分析對象之被引用率(citation rate)以進行專利計量表現(patent bibliometric performance)分析。被引用率可以看出每個分析對象每篇專利被引用之絕對次數,而每個分析對象有不同之特性,故本研究進一步提出常態化被引用率(normalized citation rate)以衡量研究對象相較於所有研究對象平均之相對位階,進而達到可跨領域比較特性。藉由採用每個分析對象對應之動態引用期間可以解決過往進行專利被引用率分析時,使用固定引用期間並不能完整反映出分析對象之專利被引用週期之缺失,並進一步採用被引用率和常態化被引用率進行專利計量表現分析。本研究採用三個產業當作分析對象:半導體產業、通訊產業和藥品產業,進一步分析其動態引用期間型態之變化並證明採用固定引用期間將會對後續分析產生偏誤之影響,亦將探討其每年被引用率之變化情形並採用常態化被引用率顯現其相對於整體平均之相對位階。本研究亦採用IBM公司作為研究對象,進而分析其專利在半導體及電腦軟硬體產業之專利計量表現,以顯現本研究所提出之常態化被引用率可達到跨領域比較之優越性。


The object of this research is to enhance the former patent citation rate analysis method which utilizes one fixed citation window for every agency at all times by introducing a concept of dynamic citation windows and to extend the analysis for comparisons among agencies. The idea of cited half-life was adapted for patent assessment to establish a model of annually dynamic citation windows for each agency. Based on each agency’s annual citation window, its annual citation rate can then be obtained to measure its patent bibliometric performance. Because different agencies may have disparate attributes, a normalized citation rate was also proposed to measure each agency’s corresponding rank comparatively to the average of all the agencies. The dynamic citation window represents more accurately the patent citation cycle time for technology analysis which is a major research and management task in technology industry. Three industries were chosen, semiconductor, communication, and drug industry, as target agencies to study their citation window patterns and demonstrate the advantages by using dynamic citation windows for patent citation rate analysis. Their annual citation rate changes were detailed and normalized citation rates were obtained to show their corresponding ranks comparatively to the average of all industries and provide a base of cross field comparison. IBM is also taken as an agency to test and verify the cross field comparison character of nCR.


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