  • 學位論文


On the Moral Purposes of Content Rating System: An Analysis of Minor’s Fundamental Rights

指導教授 : 林明昕


言論的分級制度在臺灣社會中具有很重大的地位,不論是出版品、錄影帶,到電視、電影與網際網路,幾乎所有媒體的言論都必須分級。這種對言論全面掌握的法規範,讓大眾認為言論分級是理所當然的。然而本論文認為言論的分級制度的目的是為了管制人民的道德價值觀。臺灣曾經經歷過權威統治的時期,當時政府曾為了打壓批評政府的言論,進行緊縮人民言論的政策,必須打擊色情與暴力言論就成為政府的藉口。與過往權威式管制言論不同的是,現行分級制度聲稱法律的保護目的是兒童的身心健康。然而即便是今日,過去權威式的言論管制仍然散見於分級制度中。 從學說上有關分級制度的討論,可以發現大量的論述集中在成人言論自由與兒童身心健全的對抗上。許多基本權利被忽略了,其中最為重要者是兒童接收資訊的基本權利、知的自由。兒童是分級制度中以同心圓式封鎖資訊的對象,是分級制度中最直接干預的主體,卻缺乏基本權的論述。支持分級制度者認為保護兒童身心健全是重要的公益,這點並沒錯。但從行政機關、司法判決的見解中,對於色情、暴力資訊如何妨礙兒童身心發展的論述方式,卻與過往權威管制的直接認定無異。比較日本法與美國法後,日本法雖然在出版品的管制強度與臺灣相近,但法院的判決明白承認道德管制就是分級制度的目的之一,並受到強烈的批判。且除此之外,無論網路、電視等媒體言論都是採自律的方式。美國法也曾經數次以保護兒童為由制定法案限縮網路、暴力電玩等言論,美國聯邦最高法院都以侵害言論自由為由認定違憲。 本論文認為臺灣的分級制度有違憲的瑕疵,最主要的原因在於分級制度至始是為了管制道德而生。有關性言論的管制,仍然採取過往異性戀男性為預設的價值,試圖將私人的私密生活納入一個不變的框架之中,性少數、兒童的主體,假如不表演出服從主流性道德的價值觀,非但不加以保護,還為予以懲罰與排除。暴力言論的管制,可以看出分級制度認同幼童至上主義的想法,認為兒童是脆弱、依賴、須保護的客體,而不當作主體來看待。本論文認為以上的價值無法保障兒童憲法上的基本權利,唯有肯認兒童作為主體,正視兒童本身,才能破除現行分級制度的陰霾。


The content rating system has a very important position in Taiwan society. Whether it is publications, video tapes, television, movies or the Internet, almost all content must be rated. This makes the public think that the content rating system is taken for granted. However, this paper argues that the purpose of the content rating system is to control the moral values of the people. Taiwan has experienced a period of authoritarian rule, when the government tried to suppress criticism of the government. To combat pornography and violent speech has become an excuse for the government to tighten the policy of people’s speech. Unlike previous authoritative controls, the current grading system claims that the purpose of protection is the physical and mental health of minors. However, even today, the authoritative regulatory reasons in the past are still seen in the content rating system. In the doctrine, a large amount of discourse can be found focusing on the confrontation between adult freedom of speech and child protection. Many basic rights have been ignored, the most important of which is the freedom of children to access information and know. Minors are the subjects of the most direct intervention in the content rating system, but they lack the discussion of basic rights. Those who support the grading system believe that it is an important public welfare to protect minor's physical and mental health. This is not wrong. However, the identification of administrative agencies and judicial decisions on how pornography and violent information hinder minor's physical and mental health is no different from past authoritative determination. The judgment of the Japanese court clearly recognizes that moral control is one of the purposes of the content rating system and is strongly criticized. In addition, media statements such as the Internet and TV are self-disciplined. The United States has also made several restrictions on the Internet, violent video games, etc. on the minor's protection. The US Supreme Court has ruled that it is unconstitutional on the grounds of violation of freedom of speech. This paper argues that Taiwan's content rating system is unconstitutional, and the main reason is control moral. The regulation of pornography still takes the value of heterosexual men. The system attempts to incorporate private life into a constant framework. Sexual minorities and children, if they do not perform values that obey the mainstream morality, are not protected, but also punished and excluded. The content rating system recognizes the idea of child supremacism and believes that children are vulnerable, dependent, and not treated as subjects. This paper believes that values cannot guarantee the basic rights of minors. Only by recognizing that children have subjectivity can we improve the current content rating system.


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