  • 學位論文


Studies of Improved Drainage Performance with Designs of Tire Tread Patterns

指導教授 : 鄭榮和


為了瞭解輪胎發生水漂現象之原因與排水機制,本研究透過有限元素法軟體Abaqus來計算輪胎加速時之排水性能,參考TÜV MARK之縱向水漂測試規範,針對規格205/55 R16之輻射層輪胎ECO-2+建立模擬水漂現象之水漂模型,計算輪胎的極限水漂速度以此判別排水性能之優劣。經由TÜV MARK的縱向水漂測試結果驗證本研究水漂模型之誤差為4.3%,以此水漂模型探討各種胎紋設計與胎壓對於輪胎排水性能之影響,了解實驗無法觀測的排水機制,釐清不同胎紋之設計原理與功能。為了減少篩選參數所耗費的計算時間,結合計算流體力學軟體FlowVision提出預估排水量之簡化模型,先對新設計進行排水量估算,若估算結果顯示有利於提升排水性能,再透過水漂模型計算提升多少水漂速度,若結果不利於排水則不計算水漂速度,提升篩選胎紋設計的效率。最後針對胎紋設計提出改善方向,作為往後設計上的建議。


This study uses finite element analysis to calculate the hydroplaning velocity caused by the process of tire tread moving. Instead of using the traditional trial and error method, this study builds finite element model for the 205/55 R16 91V radial tire by the software Abaqus, to save lots of development time and money, and verify the correctness of the model by the experiment. Next, uses the model to explore the influence of driving conditions and structural design parameters on high drainage performance. To save development time, the study uses a Simple Model to predict mass flow of new design. If Simple Model predictions are in favor of improve mass flow, then the complete tire simulation. Finally, this study proposes the procedure to design tread type, which can access good drainage performance.


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