  • 學位論文


The Political Economy of the Animal Protection Policy in Taipei(1953-2013)

指導教授 : 蕭全政




The formulation of public policy often involved many actors. These different relevant actors not only implicate with each other, but also make the public policy decision-making process become more complicated. While in Taipei City animal protection’s policy change process has also faced the same problem. Therefore, this study attempts to focus on Taipei City animal protection policy’s historical structural changing and political-economic evolution. In order to discuss the restructure of Taipei City Government, the establishment of dedicated agency of animal protection, and the policy formation factor of "Taipei City Animal Protection Self-governance Act". This research also discusses the interrelationship among related decision-makers, and interest fluctuation among individual stakeholders. Therefore affect every stage of animal protection policy’s productions and adjustments. The purpose of this study is to explain the problem of implementation and evolution of the existing Taipei City animal protection policy through the changing process of animal protection policies and comprehensive understanding of the relevant actors. And also bring forward visions and suggestions for future Taipei City animal protection policy.


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