  • 學位論文


China as an Access to Desire-Cultural Hegemony of Capitalism in Taiwan

指導教授 : 石之瑜


本論文回答的問題有三方面:在台灣的文化霸權如何運作、霸權如何成為一種常識而達到壟斷、有沒有超越的可能?為了回答此問題。以葛蘭西的霸權理論、福柯的治理性理論、及Edensor與Adorno和Horkheimer對於流行文化不同的看法為理論架構。在回答的過程中,特別注意台灣的後殖民狀態,以及不同殖民者或統治者留下來的殖民影響。 首先,談到的是台灣最主要的外來統治者:日本、中國與美國,分別留下了獨特的影響。日本最主要留下了「去中國化」的 態度(民進黨為代表),中國歷代最主要留下的是內戰後開始把台灣當成正統中國的立場(國民黨為代表),美國的影響主要在民主體系、自由市場資本主義與現實主義的思想 。 在台灣,一直都沒有一致的群體身份存在,近年來,台灣是中國的一部分與台灣是獨立的國家這兩種不同身份形成對立。本論文深入對立的根本,主張真正的霸權文化是通過美國思想的殖民所建立,即資本主義的思想。此思想是在美國經由冷戰把台灣當成反抗中國�共產主義的基地時留下的。 1978年中國開始改革開放的政策,成為世界各國滿足資本家與消費者資本主義市場慾望的途徑,大家都想到中國發展。中國政府也開始內化此思想,甚至利用此思想達到其政治目的,要求世界國家�企業如果要來中國發展的話,就必須承認共產黨及其建立的中華人民共和國,並否認國民黨宣稱的中國代表權,對世界上大部份已經內化資本主義思想的國家而言,答案顯而易見。 對台灣,資本主義思想為基礎的霸權文化與台灣在國際政治上受到的忽視共存,但台灣人民可以根據資本主義思想,說服自己相信賺錢比國家身份重要,而因此可以放棄脫離中國另外建立獨立的國家身份,甚至集中到中國市場賺錢。 最後,此論文主張,因資本主義的思想在兩岸都已徹底內化,兩岸關係中出現了某種跨國家身份的可能性。兩岸大眾不需要因國家身份的問題而對立,轉而集中到追求財富的共同慾望上,跨越兩岸或國際,雖然如此帶來更嚴重的貧富差距,但是深植於大眾心中的資本主義霸權文化早已將其視為理所當然。


This thesis aims at answering the main question “how does hegemony monopolize in Taiwan?” The theoretical framework used to answer the question is built upon Gramsci’s theory of hegemony, Foucault’s theory of governmentality, and different perspectives—Edensor versus Adorno and Horkheimer—on how popular culture provides ways to either strengthen or counter hegemony. Because the theory is western, the thesis also provides an analysis of Taiwan’s complicated multisided and multidimensional postcolonial position, and explains the effects this has on the theory. Especially referred to are Taiwan’s three main colonizers and/or (past) rulers Japan, China, and America. The thesis points out that in Taiwan even though on the surface there are multiple identities/cultures—with the main ones being the Kuomintang’s one-China policy, and the Democratic Progressive Party’s independent Taiwan proposition--constantly striving for hegemonic domination, but that none of these perspectives has ever been able to gain hegemonic control. The thesis argues, however, from a Gramcian perspective, that Taiwan’s hegemonic culture is built upon capitalist thought, brought to Taiwan through America’s intellectual colonization that started during the Cold War. China’s opening up policy initiated in 1978 created a global trend of focusing on the Chinese market to increase wealth, in fact making China an access to desire. In its turn, the Chinese government internalized capitalist thought, and used capitalist logic to give other countries the choice to either accept the Chinese government as the true representative of China (and abolishing the Kuomintang), or denying them access to the Chinese market; a choice which proved to be an easy one for the capitalist world. For Taiwan, the prevalence of capitalist hegemonic culture, combined with international ignorance, instilled in people’s mind the idea that making money is more important than national identity, even more strengthening the focus on China as an access to desire. Finally, the thesis argues that the internalization of capitalist thought in both China and Taiwan has provided a way to surpass national identity, and created the opportunity for the emergence of a post-national-identity.


hegemony governmentality capitalism postcolonialism Taiwan


• 鄧玉英,2012,《台灣與中國的經濟關係》,台灣國際研究季刊 第 8 卷 第 3 期 頁 141-63
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• Adorno, Theodor; Horkheimer, Max. 1989. Dialectic of Enlightenment. Verso: London, UK
• Anderson, Benedict. 2006 [1983]. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Verso: London, United Kingdom
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