  • 學位論文


International Business Growth of Learning Organization: Cloud Company Case Study

指導教授 : 林博文
共同指導教授 : 吳學良(Yu-Hung Chen) 陳聿宏


網際網路的興起為人類社會帶巨大的改變,在各行各業中都扮演重要的角色。有的企業透過網路拓展新的生意,有的尋找新的供應商與合作夥伴。個人用戶也能從中受惠,也間接導致P2P生意的興起(Peer to Peer),而網際網路+已經成為各行各業的標準工具,時時聯網已經徹底改變了人與人的互動方式。 時時連線的網路大大降低了傳統的資訊不對稱的風險,以往,資訊取得的成本高,即時性低,屬於少數人才可享有的權利。網路開放大幅降低交易成本,低廉與豐沛的資訊降低了人與人之間的差距,真正實現了資訊的民主化,而真正將人與人之間區別開來的,則是對於相同資訊的理解與分析能力,因此發展出了大數據資料分析的新商機。 當資訊變的唾手可得的同時,企業也同樣面臨資訊爆炸的挑戰,各種新穎的科技與行銷手法為市場注入更多活力,卻也讓環境變得複雜。相較於傳統製造業,網際網路企業的成長曲線年複合成長高得驚人,主要受益於新客戶的邊際成本幾乎可以忽略不計算的優勢,而那些受惠於網路效應的企業,堅實的護城河讓他們更難以被取代。對於沒有護城河的雲端公司,唯有洞悉市場的快速變化,因應變革與進行轉型,快速實驗與迭代更新,才能在這複雜,渾沌的網路世界中生存。所以,此類企業的核心競爭力在於快速學習,不斷創新,貼近市場,即時反應市場需求與適應環境。如同英國生物學家達爾文(Charles Darwin)說過的話:「最終能生存下來的物種,不是最強的、也不是最聰明的,而是最能適應改變的物種。」藉此引出本論文探討的主題,雲端公司如何以學習型組織的型態在國際市場中的策略成長。


The rise of the Internet has brought significant changes to all the world, playing an important role in all kinds of business. Some of them expand new business through the Internet, while some people seek for new suppliers and partners. Individual users can also benefit from it, and accelerate the rise of peer-to-peer businesses. Internet+ has become a standard tool in all industries, and real-time networking has completely changed the way people interact. The free content across the internet greatly reduces the gap of information asymmetry, which was a privilege for a few people who has the resource to get more data. The Internet also reduces transaction costs, lower the entry level for people who asking for public information, and truly realizes the democratization of information. What truly distinguishes people from each other is the ability to understand and analyze the same information. Therefore, new business opportunities for big data analysis have booming. When information becomes inexpensive and available at any time, enterprises also face the challenge of information explosion. Various new technologies and marketing tools used in the market, but it also makes the environment become complicated. Compared to traditional manufacturing, the growth curve of Internet enterprises is very high, mainly benefiting from the low marginal cost of new customers. The benefit of network effect has strong stickiness for customer that makes them more difficult to move to another platform. For Internet companies without strong advantage, their only strategy is to quickly responding to the changes of customer. Starting more experiments and iteration the service to adapt the fast-changing world. Therefore, the core competency for those enterprises relies on fast learning, continuous innovation, quick responding to the market and adapt to the changing market. As British biologist Charles Darwin said: “It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.” The quote leads to the topic of this paper, how do the internet cloud company’s strategy in the international market as a learning organization strategy and growth.


