  • 學位論文


A Study on the Shaping of Organic Agriculture Production Space-A Case Study on Yin-Chuan Organic Rice

指導教授 : 張長義


台灣於2002年加入世界貿易組織之後,依據農業協定,台灣必須降低關稅,並增加國外農產品的進口量,如此一來將對台灣農業和農民生計帶來莫大的衝擊。為了因應這個不可抵擋的趨勢,無論是政府或地方農民都積極尋求應變的方式,期能以高品質、高經濟價值的農作物提升台灣的農業水準與產值。在此同時,國內的經濟成長使得人民生活水準提升,國人對於健康飲食的需求日益增加。在外在的壓力以及內在的需求下,標榜清潔、安全、無農藥的有機農業應運而生,又由於稻米是國人的主食,也是台灣主要的農作物,因此更造成有機米產業蓬勃發展。本文選擇目前台灣地區耕種面積最大、規模成長最快的花蓮縣富里鄉銀川米作為研究對象。 目前針對台灣加入世界貿易組織後的農業的研究多重在農業經濟方面,地理學方面的討論屈指可數,故本文擬以行為地理學的研究取向,透過深度訪談和問卷調查的方式了解富里村銀川米生產空間的形構過程。以下是本文的研究結果與結論: 1.在富里地區影響農民轉作有機米最重要的因子是:(1)有益身體健康、(2)可恢復自然生態同時研究發現,生產者的識覺受到「有機米生產面積」與「有機米轉作時間」的影響。生產過程中,農民由於親身體驗或被說服,逐漸擴大有機米的生產範圍。2.透過訪談得知,上至政府機關,下至基礎的生產者,皆認為有機米的轉作與生產,在富里地區的前景是相當看好,也一致認為有機米產業在富里鄉有永續發展的可能性。3.台灣加入世界貿易組織之後,對於富里地區農民稻米生產的影響並不大。本文建議當前有機米產業必須設法吸引年輕人加入、提升生產收益,以及產業相關公私部門必須加強合作協調,將更有助於本產業的永續。


Taiwan has been a member of World Trade Organization (WTO) since 2002. According to the “Agreement on Agriculture” of WTO, Taiwan has to cut the tariff duty of farm product, and to increase the import quota. The Agreement has made a tremendous impact on farmers’ income seriously. Both the government and farmers are trying to find solutions to fight against the negative impacts. There is a general belief that “high quality, high value” farm products can promote Taiwan’s agriculture level. Since people today make more money and try to promote their quality of life, and then hope to have healthy diet. Thus, because of the pressure of WTO and the demand from domestic market, organic farming regarded as “clean, safety, no pesticides” comes with the tide of fashion. Rice is the staple food of Taiwanese people and also the main farm product in Taiwan, so organic rice farming has become more popular than ever before. This research is an attempt to study the shaping of Yin-Chuan organic rice production space in the case study area of Fu-Li Township, Hua-Lian County while Yin-Chuan organic rice is the largest organic rice brand in Taiwan. Quite a few studies had been discussed in terms of the impact of WTO on the organic rice on Taiwan’s agriculture economy, while there are few studies in the domain of the process of spatial construction and more researches need to be done. This case study has adopted an approach of behavioral geography to analyze the shaping of production space of Yin-Chuan organic rice. Through the in-depth interviews and literature-analysis, the research has derived three preliminary results and conclusion on Fu-Li Township’s farmers: 1. There are several factors may influence the farmers to grow organic rice: (1) organic farming is good for healthy; (2) organic farming is good for ecosystem. “Organic farming duration” and “farm area” may affect farmers’ perception. Because of personal experiences or other farmers’ persuasion, thry broaden their farming area gradually. 2. Both of government and local farmers believe that organic rice is flourishing and may achieve sustainable development in Fu-Li Township. 3. WTO doesn’t make notable impacts. It is suggested that the most important work now is to attract more young people to do organic farming, increase farmers’ income, and reinforce the cooperation of related public and private sectors. It may achieve sustainable agriculture in Fu-Li Township.


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行政院農業委員會(2003) 92年農業統計年報
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