  • 學位論文


The Design and Implementation of Mobile Business Intelligence

指導教授 : 陳文賢


市面上的商業智慧系統以Web-based形式居多,其中有少數提供行動商業智慧的解決方案,但因為採用的技術與Web-based商業智慧系統並不相同,如此企業將會面臨異質性平台整合的問題。適逢W3C為了解決行動裝置無法存取Web網站的問題,成立一工作小組,訂定出一份稱為Mobile Web Best Practices的指導文件,其目的是讓行動裝置能夠跟電腦一樣正確瀏覽Web網站。 因此本研究從輔助現有Web-based商業智慧系統的角度出發,參考Mobile Web Best Practices這份文件,設計新的行動商業智慧解決方案,最後並實作出行動商業智慧雛型系統,證明其架構及運作模式之可行性。同時也能與現有Web-based商業智慧系統相容,不須安裝行動中介軟體也不用設置行動服務伺服器,使用者即可透過行動裝置存取行動商業智慧系統,如此不僅滿足企業對商業智慧行動化的需求,另外也避免整合異質性平台所付出的代價及成本。


The majority of the commercial business intelligence systems on the market is Web-based. Only a few vendors supply mobile business intelligence solutions. Because the technology of mobile business intelligence system and Web-based business intelligence system is not the same, enterprises will inevitably face the issues of integrating heterogeneous platforms. Fortunately, to solve the problem that Mobile Devices are unable to access the Web site, W3C set up a working group that establishes the guidelines known as the Mobile Web Best Practices. The purpose of these guidelines is to allow mobile devices to access the Web site correctly in the same way as the computers. Therefore, this study looks at the aspect of assisting the existing Web-based business intelligence systems by referring to Mobile Web Best Practices guidelines. A new design of mobile business intelligence solutions is proposed. Lastly, the mobile business intelligence prototype system is implemented to prove the feasibility of its framework and operating protocol. Furthermore, the prototype system is compatible with the existing Web-based business intelligence system so that neither mobile middleware nor mobile-service server is required. Users can just access mobile business intelligence system through mobile devices directly. This will not only satisfy the demand of enterprises for the mobilization of Business Intelligence, but also avoid the cost resulted from integrating heterogeneous platforms.


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