  • 學位論文

台灣發光二極體上游產業之競爭策略研究 —以某公司為例

A Study of Competitive Strategy for the LED industry in Taiwan —A Case Study of A Company

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


發光二極體產業過去十年因為技術的演進而成長快速,為自1976年愛迪生發明白熾燈泡以來,一項足以改變人類文明的發明;如同類比訊號的時代對數位訊號的改變,發光二極體作為照明應用的光源與傳統的白識燈泡以黑體發熱的照明方式,原理完全不同。以發光二極體為光源的固態照明,主要的材料和製程技術與以矽為材料的半導體產業相關聯,因此理論可以被整合於電路中,因此完全改變了產業鏈的結構及營運的方式,創造了無數新的商機和新的廠商。台灣的發光二極體產業可以追溯到1972年德州儀器在台灣設立第一條封裝線,到現在已經約有四十年的歷史。然而由於產業環境變化快速,台灣的中小型發光二極體廠目前遭受到極大的挑戰。本研究針對當下台灣發光二極體廠產業進行整理及研究分析,希望對目前台灣其他中小型發光二極體上游業者所處的產業競爭環境與必須具有的發展策略有更進一步的認知與了解。面對艱鉅的產業環境,台灣發光二極體上游業者的未來繫於如何在策略定位及如何使的產品差異化,是本研究要研究的方向。 本論文是以研究分析當今產業的狀態為主要研究架構,再以五力分析模型和產業組織的結構-行為-績效模型對產業做進一步的探討。於產業分析後,以一家上市中小型上游公司作為分析的對象,從公司的背景和核心競爭力分析開始,進入SWOT分析,來找出相關的關鍵成功因素,並提出策略上的建議。 文中建議,小廠若要擺脫大廠的壓力及中國的競爭,必須要能提高反應速度及保持與下游客戶的緊密關係,在營運上講求彈性靈動及對市場及客戶需求反應快速(如貨品交期),減少產品製造週期(cycle time)。要達到價值創新 公司整個整體運作體系必須定位為達到顧客和公司雙方的價值「躍進」,同時追求差異化及降低成本,提高顧客價值。建議落實以下競爭策略: █著手於專長且具有專利保護的產品 █提升與客戶的聯繫,參與客戶早期的產品開發工作 █積極尋求互補性的客戶 █開拓新興市場產品尋求Niche Market █積極研發門檻高應用產品 █與客戶一起商議產品規格,降低成本,增加客戶的利益


Light emitting diode has been growing much faster in the past decade due to the improvement of technology. It is a technology that caused revolutionary change of human history since Edison invented the incandescent filament lamp. Similar to the difference between a digital signal to that of an analog signal, there is a fundamental difference between applying light emitting diodes on lighting applications and applying incandescent filament lamps as a lighting source. The material and technology used in solid state lighting with light emitting diodes is closely related to those used in the silicon semiconductor industry. The light emitting diode can therefore be integrated into an integrated circuit. It changes the conventional supply chain and industrial operation of the lighting industry. Many opportunities were found and many new companies have started to form the new industry of light emitting diodes. The light emitting diode industry has been in Taiwan for more than four years. Today those small-to-mid sized Taiwanese LED companies face lots of challenges due to fast changes in the industrial environment. This study is to understand the industrial environment faced by these Taiwanese companies by researching the collected information. It is the purpose of this study to help these companies to understand their challenges and find out a suitable competitive strategy. It is also to find out how these companies should define their strategic position in the industry and create a unique and valuable proposition. This study starts with analyzing the industrial structure and then utilizes the five force model as well as the Structure-Conduct-Performance model for further analysis. A small-to-mid-sized company was selected as an example for discussion. Starting from understanding its background information and then applying SWOT analysis, it is intended to find out a suitable competitive strategy and key successful factors for this company. A final conclusion of this study for the small-to-mid-sized LED company was drawn. These type of companies need to be more agile and responsive in terms of market situations, while facing the competence from companies with scaled advantages or Chinese companies. It is also preferable to keep close relationships with key customers. Short lead-time and production cycle time will provide many competitive advantages. To achieve value innovation, one must position themselves to create values for both their customers and themselves. Differentiation and cost down is essential and should be achieved simultaneously. It is suggested to,


3. 郭晶晶,“LED廠商之競爭策略分析-以Cree公司為例”,2008年7月,國立政治大學科技管理研究所碩士學位論文
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