  • 學位論文


The Strategic Cost Management analysis of LED industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉順仁


中文摘要 全球發光二極體(LED)產業正處於一個蓬勃發展的階段,根據台灣光電科技工業協進會(PIDA)的統計預估,全球高亮度LED市場規模在2011年,可增加到106億美元,高亮度LED的出貨量達到88億個。再加上歐盟自2007年起即將逐步淘汰白熾燈泡, LED市場前景一片看好。 台灣方面,在近幾年全球LED產業的快速發展過程中,台灣已經晉升為全球第二大LED生產重鎮,在2006年的LED照明光電產值為新台幣210億元。台灣產量為全球第一,但是受限於製造為主的發展模式,未能在技術研發上累積優勢,受到國際大廠的專利競爭壓力實無可言喻,如何在此產業剛露出希望的曙光時即掌握發展契機並與國際大廠競爭,以提升我國的經濟實力,咸認是一極為重要的議題。本研究將以台灣LED產業為研究對象,進行策略成本管理(Strategic Cost Management, SCM)分析,並對產業策略議題進行探討,特別是專利的部份。 經過訪談與相關次級資料蒐集之質性研究,本研究導出下列結論:(1)現有的LED廠商藉由整合擴大營收,將可有更多資金購入高階設備機台以及高品質半導體材料,以提升產品良率。同時,擁有更多產品組合可以提高獲利以及更大的產能可以承接國外訂單。最重要的是,有資金可以持續投入研發及吸引人才,提高競爭力。(2)LED即將取代CCFL為面板的背光源,基於提高設計良率以降低成本的考量,面板廠會考慮將LED內製化。但由於專利權的問題,以及相關技術仍未成熟,面板目前尚未準備進軍LED產業。 (3)台灣LED產業發展至今,上游原料設備都有賴進口,專利也受到限制。藉由整合國內廠商,面對國外供應商將較有議價力;同時較有機會爭取國外專利授權。 最後,根據上述的研究分析結論,本研究針對台灣發光二極體產業提出了下列建議:(1)國內的業者有必要進行整併,減少業內家數,一方面維持獲利,一方面整合資源增加競爭力。(2)為了避免加劇業內競爭,並使兩個產業達到雙贏的局面,由面板業與現有廠商進行技術協同,是目前較可行的方式。


The Strategic Cost Management analysis of LED industry in Taiwan As the global LED market grows rapidly, PIDA(Photonics Industry & Technology Development Association) estimates the global market size of the HB-LED will increase to US$10.6 billion in 2011, and the sales volume will be 8.8 billion units. As incandescent bulbs has been phased out by EU(European union) from 2007, the prospect of LED technology is thrilling. In 2006, the total production value of the Taiwan LED was NT$26 billion. Although Taiwan has been In the second position in the worldwide LED industry,, most of the companies don’t have technical advantage and the growth of the industry would therefore be constrained. Due to the high entry barrier for upstream LED epitaxial wafer manufacturing, LED companies in Taiwan have OEM relationship with leading European, Japanese and US. Patent infringement lawsuits have been common in LED industry, any court ruling against selling a patent-infringing product may strike the Taiwan LED industry. Therefore, It has been the important topic for discussion that how to improve the competitive advantage of Taiwan LED industry in order to compete with global leading companies. The objective of the present study is to apply Strategic Cost Management to Taiwan LED industry and explore the structural reasons underlying the industry development, especially patents. Based on field interviews and qualitative research on the broadly defined LED industries, we reached several conclusions: (1)Through merger and acquisition activities, the company can enlarge revenues and therefore afford high quality equipments and raw materials. Additionally, the company will also develop new product combination with higher profitability as well as larger capacity to acquire the purchase orders. The most important of all, the company will have enough capital to invest in R&D activities and recruit best engineers. (2)CCFL replacement by LED started with small-sized LCD backlight panels and start to migrate to large panels from 2007. For cost down and LED supplies, TFT LCD-panel makers would like to manufacture LED chips by themselves, However, the immature technical skills and possible patent infringement lawsuits make it unlikely to happen in the near future. (3)There are less than 10 key phosphor makers and only three MOCVD makers in the industry, and Taiwan LED companies heavily depend on foreign suppliers. Strategic group formation should be built within the industry to gain the bargaining power and benefit from get co-operation with global LED players. Based on the above analyses, we propose several pieces of advice for the LED industries in Taiwan:(1)It is necessary to form the strategic group within the industry by merging or acquisition. Thus, it can strengthen the overall competitive advantages and stabilize prices. (2) We expect the collaboration between TFT LCD-panel makers and LED companies instead of competition to create a win-win situation.


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