  • 學位論文


The Law in Sociology - Take Dissemination of Obscene Materials for Example

指導教授 : 王皇玉


法律作為社會控制的一環,是社會下的產物。本文藉由四個社會學家:涂爾幹、帕森思、盧曼、傅柯的社會理論,描繪出一個屬於法律的生命歷程。法律誕生於社會,在社會中成長,受社會影響的同時也在改變社會,兩者之間的關係是密不可分的。法律生命歷程中最為核心的概念,就是社會的集體意識。 在刑法的狀況下,核心的社會意識就是保護法益。唯有當保護法益和社會意識有所關聯,刑法的正當性才會存在。所有保護法益都和社會有關,但最能夠作為例子的,就是社會法益中的善良風俗,而散布猥褻物品更是其中翹楚。散布猥褻物品罪在學說上的爭議不外乎兩點,第一是保護法益的選擇,第二是猥褻物品的定義不夠明確。在第一個問題上本文認為只有保護善良風俗才能真正展現本罪的立法目的,同時也符合司法院大法官在第407以及617號解釋文的意旨。第二個問題則是本文要處理的核心,本文以為,唯有透過實證研究的方法調查社會,才能真正掌握猥褻物品的核心概念。 性在社會上處於一個尷尬的地位,它是社會存續不可或缺的事情,卻又被某種程度的隱藏著。以理論分析,主要是因為性在心理層面上,會因為其本身的生物面和動物面,引起人們的性羞恥感,進而造成社會的傷害。同時在社會面上,因為歷史、制度的脈絡,性的揭露將破壞社會中對於性的隱蔽共識,造成性的集體意識的侵害。 從過去實務的態度來看,法院對於猥褻物品的認定偏向保守,但是分析本文對社會的調查之後會發現,社會對於性的態度已經趨於開放,尤其是在年輕世代中更是如此。我國的司法實務對於猥褻物品的定義並未隨著社會演變而進步,而倘若社會在面對性的時候,已經不再容易產生足以造成侵害的性羞恥感,散布猥褻物品罪在刑法上的定位也就應該有所檢討,才能使社會與法律之間沒有落差,讓刑法的處罰具有正當性。


As a part of social control, law is production from society. In order to depict the life of law, this article used four different theories from four sociologists, who are Durkheim, Parsons, Luhmann, and Foucault, to create a circle of life of law. Law is born from society, and grown up in society. Meanwhile, law is also changing the society. The key point of the circle of life of law, will be the “collective consciousness.” In the case of criminal law, it will be the “legally protected interests.” Only when the legally protected interests are connected to the collective consciousness, the punishment of criminal law can have legitimacy. Dissemination of obscene materials is a crime which has strong relationship with society. Therefore, it can be a good observations for the interaction between law and society. More importantly, sex is always a special thing in the world. When it comes to sex, people usually feel embarrassed. It is because that sex can lead to the shame of people. And it is the cause of infraction to the society. To measure this infraction, this article collect the judgments about Dissemination of obscene materials. And it shows that our courts have conservative attitude to sex. However, according to the result of questionnaire, the society has open-mindedness attitude now, especially the young generations. If the sex cannot infract the society strongly, the information of sex shouldn’t be defined as obscene materials. Dissemination of obscene materials shouldn’t be a kind of crime either. In this way, there can be no difference between law and society, and make the punishment of criminal law have its own legitimacy.


壹、 中文文獻
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