  • 學位論文


The Benefits and Problems of Library Practicum: A Case Study

指導教授 : 藍文欽


本研究旨在探討國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系學生參與圖書館實習,其所獲取的實習效益與其遭遇的實習問題。本研究採取質化取向,以99學年度暑期參與校外圖書館實習的學生為研究對象。首先以內容分析法,分析實習工作記錄與實習心得報告各33份。接著依據內容分析結果與文獻探討結果設計訪談大綱,對17位實習學生、1位實習指導教師與1位助教,以及11位實習指導館員進行深度訪談,探究三方對實習效益與實習問題的看法。 研究結果顯示,圖書館實習有裨於學生獲取知能學習、生涯規劃與正面價值觀三大層面的效益。在知能學習層面,學生可透過實務運作來印證理論知識與增進工作能力,並對某些學科主題產生學習興趣,以及培養問題分析與解決能力;在生涯規劃層面,實習課程協助學生瞭解圖書館的工作內涵與確認未來的就業意願,並且建立對圖書館事業的專業認同。與館員的相處過程中,學生將工作態度積極的館員視為學習典範,而工作態度消極的館員則能自我警惕。此外,學生能拓展專業人脈,增進就業機會;在正面價值觀層面,實習課程啟發學生面臨問題時,先從做中學,自行找出解決辦法,而若是一同實習的學生面臨困難時,則能發揮團隊合作的精神。學生亦能自我反省實習過程中犯下的錯誤與體會館員工作辛勞而引發同理心。 研究結果亦發現,圖書館實習問題可從圖書館學校、圖書館實習單位、實習學生三方面加以闡述。在圖書館學校方面,學生針對實習課程規定、實習前準備工作、實習中訪視工作與實習後評量工作提出問題。藉由與實習指導教師及助教晤談,可以了解系方做各項安排時的考量,與後續針對部分問題可能採取的改進措施。在圖書館實習單位方面,學生針對實習指導規劃、實習工作安排、實習考核、實習支薪、人際互動與衝突、理論與實務落差提出問題。受訪的實習指導教師、助教與實習指導館員則分別表示看法與說明。本研究試圖分析其中的異同,並提出改善之建議。在實習學生方面,學生在實習過程中可能出現的行為與態度問題,包括出勤狀況不佳、工作態度低落、衛生習慣不好與自我主觀意識強烈等。 根據研究結果,本研究針對實習指導教師、助教、實習指導館員與實習學生提出建議。在實習指導教師方面:(1)規劃實習課程宜配合圖書館實務工作的需求;(2)規劃實習課程宜配合學生的實際需求;(3)建立溝通管道以消弭與學生的溝通隔閡;(4)淘汰風評不佳的實習單位。在助教方面:(1)建置實習網站,便於學生取得實習課程相關資料;(2)彙整實習心得報告,供實習單位作為改進缺失之參考。在實習指導館員方面:(1)規劃實習指導前宜評估既有人力與物力;(2)安排實習工作宜以專業工作為主;(3)編輯實習指導手冊,供館員或其他實習單位參考。在實習學生方面:(1)設定實習目標化為實習的動力;(2)立即主動反映問題與困難;(3)懂得自我反省並為他人設想。最後,本研究提出採用問卷調查法探討國內圖書資訊相關系所實習課程、探討圖書館學校與圖書館實習單位從實習中獲取的效益、探討資訊公司實習學生獲取的效益與其遭遇的問題之未來研究建議。


The study aims to explore the benefits and problems of library practicum. The subjects of this case study were selected from the students of the Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University. For the sake of convenience, the study chose a group of students who took the library practicum in the summer of 2010. The study first analyzed the contents of the 33 work journals and 33 practicum reports submitted by the group of students. Then, based on the results of content analysis and literature review, the study employs an in-depth interview to elicit information from 17 students, one instructor, one teaching assistant and 11 library practicum supervisors. This approach helps to acquire their viewpoints and comments on the benefits and problems of library practicum. The results of this study show that library practicum can bring some benefits for students, including knowledge learning, career planning and an understanding of good work behaviors. Through practicum, students not only gain working experience, but also improve their understanding about the theories and principles that they have learned in classes. Some students even develop an interest to learn more about the new subjects they were introduced to. They also get a chance to enhance their problem solving skills during the practicum process. From the career planning perspective, practicum does help students understand the reality of library jobs, encourage them to think whether or not the library profession will be their career choice in the future, and, for some, begin to build an identity of library professional. Besides, students know that they should respect the values of good work behaviors and positive attitude. Some librarians are regarded as their role models. In addition, students develop personal networks which might be helpful when they are looking for a job later. The results also reveal the problems of the current practices of library practicum. In terms of library schools, the problems addressed by students include course requirements, preparations of library practicum, site visit, and grading. With respect to the practicum units, students mention the following problems: practicum schemes, work arrangements, practicum judgments, salaries, interpersonal interactions and conflicts, as well as the gap between theory and practice. In terms of students, it was founded that some of their behaviors and attitudes might not be appropriate, including low attendance, bad working attitudes, poor hygiene habits and arrogance. Based on the findings, the study provides some suggestions for instructors, teaching assistants, practicum supervisors, and students. For instructors, there are four items: (1) designing practicum courses that fit in with library works’ practical requirements, (2) designing practicum courses that fit in with students’ practical requirements, (3) building communication channels to eliminate communication barriers, and (4) weeding out practicum units with negative comments. For assistants, the study suggests that the Department should establish a practicum website and collect every year’s practicum reports for later use. For practicum supervisors, the suggestions are threefold, including (1) estimating available manpower and material resources before practicum, (2) work arrangements focused on professional works, and (3) compiling practicum manuals for consultation. For students, they are encouraged to set up a clearer goal when taking the practicum course. During the practicum process, they should reflect or report the problem or difficulty immediately whenever it occurs. Also, they should respect the work norms and have better work behaviors and attitudes.


Collins, A., Brown, J. S., & Newman, S. E. (1988). Cognitive apprenticeship: Teaching the craft of reading, writing, and mathematics. In L. B. Resnick (Ed.), Cognition and instruction: Issues and agendas. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
