  • 學位論文

大學圖書館發展性書目療法服務需求之研究 ─以國立臺灣大學之大學部學生為例

The Demand for Developmental Bibliotherapeutic Service in University Libraries: A Study of National Taiwan University Undergraduates

指導教授 : 陳書梅


本研究旨在探討大學生對於大學圖書館施行發展性書目療法服務之需求與期望之服務內容,研究目的包括(一)瞭解大學生之心理需求與常見之情緒困擾問題(二)探究大學生常閱讀之情緒療癒圖書類型,以及圖書對大學生之情緒療癒效用(三)瞭解大學生於大學圖書館找尋情緒療癒圖書時所遭遇之困難與解決之道(四)探討大學生對於大學圖書館施行發展性書目療法服務之需求及期望的服務內容。 在研究設計上,本研究採取質化研究法,針對臺灣大學之20位閱讀經驗豐富,並將閱讀視為主要紓緩情緒管道的大學部學生進行半結構式深度訪談。研究結果顯示,學業問題為受訪者最主要之情緒困擾問題。而受訪者常閱讀之情緒療癒圖書可分為小說類、非小說類及自助書,小說類與自助書又可進一步按各種主題分類,其種類較多元;非小說類之情緒療癒圖書則以繪本最為受訪者歡迎。至於受訪者閱讀情緒療癒圖書之後的情緒療癒效可分從認同、淨化與領悟三方面分析,研究結果指出,讀者在閱讀情緒療癒圖書時所經歷的認同、淨化與領悟等情緒療癒效用隨著讀者個人因素如興趣喜好、困擾問題類型、生活背景以及閱讀素材本身特性因素而有所不同。此外,受訪者在大學圖書館找尋情緒療癒圖書時所遭遇之困難與解決之道方面,以「至書架上瀏覽」為受訪者主要找尋情緒療癒圖書之方式,而「預約等候時間長」為受訪者首要遭遇之困難;當未尋獲欲閱讀之情緒療癒圖書時,「向朋友借閱」及「借閱其他同類型之書」則為受訪者較常採取的解決方式。 而受訪者對於大學圖書館施行發展性書目療法服務之需求中,訪談資料顯示受訪者較偏好圖書館先施行「閱讀式書目療法服務」,其服務內容包括「提供情緒療癒解題書目及書目清單」、「設立書目療法服務專區」、「舉辦情緒療癒主題書展」及「以電子報或電子郵件發送情緒療癒圖書相關書訊」等,且受訪者認為大學圖書館宜注意書目療法服務之行銷活動,並可與校內外其他單位合作提供服務,同時須考量館內人力與經費以及讀者的轉介問題。此外,受訪者認為書目療法服務館員宜具備同理心,同時須能「知書」與「知人」,並能透過良好的溝通技巧來施行書目療法服務。   最後根據文獻及訪談結果分析,對大學圖書館提出以下數項建議:(一)成立書目療法服務專區(二)編製情緒療癒圖書解題書目及書目清單(三)舉辦情緒療癒主題書展(四)建置書目療法服務網路平台(五)培訓書目療法服務館員(六)與校內外單位合作施行發展性書目療法服務。


The aims of this study are as follows: (1) to explore undergraduates’ psychological needs and emotional problems, (2) to examine the kind of emotional healing books that undergraduates usually read, as well as the effectiveness of these books in terms of emotional healing, (3) to understand the difficulties faced by undergraduates during the process of searching for emotional healing books in the university library, and (4) to investigate undergraduates’ demands for developmental bibliotherapeutic services in university library. An in-depth interview was conducted to investigate undergraduates’ demands for developmental bibliotherapeutic service. Research participants include twenty National Taiwan University undergraduates who are deeply involved in reading emotional healing books. This study reached the following conclusions: Firstly, the psychological needs and emotional problems faced by interviewees are usually related to schoolwork. Secondly, there are three kinds of “emotional healing” books interviewees usually read, namely fiction, non-fiction, and self-help books. Fiction and self-help books can be further divided according to their themes. Moreover, the interviewees prefer “picture books” in the category of non-fiction emotional healing books. Thirdly, the effectiveness of these books in terms of emotional healing differs because of two factors, namely the personal circumstances of the undergraduates and certain material factors. Fourthly, “bookshelf-browsing” is the main manner by which interviewees find the desired emotional healing books, and “it takes time to wait for the requested books” is their main problem when seeking these books in the university library. When interviewees are unable to find the desired books, they tend to “borrow from friends” or “read books with a similar theme”. Lastly, interviewees prefer to use the “reading bibliotherapeutic services”, which includes “the provision of an emotional healing annotated bibliography or book list”, “the establishment of a bibliotherapeutic service section”, “the setting up of a display of emotional healing books”, and “the provision of an e-paper or other information about these books”. Furthermore, interviewees consider that the promotion of bibliotherapeutic services is important, and that the library should, therefore, cooperate with other departments on campus or other social institutions. The service provider must also consider the cost and human resources required by the library. At the same time, librarians must be careful when they need to indirectly introduce undergraduates to psychology professionals. On the other hand, interviewees believe that the librarian who takes care of the developmental bibliotherapeutic service should be empathetic and has the capability of matching the “right book” with the “right person”. They also maintain that librarians should possess good communication skills. In line with the above, the following proposals are made for university libraries: (1) Establish a bibliotherapeutic service section, (2) Create an annotated bibliography and book list of emotional healing books, (3) Organize an exhibition for emotional healing books, (4) Construct a bibliotherapeutic service blog or website, (5) Train librarians for future bibliotherapeutic services, and (6) Cooperate with other departments, both on and off the campus, to provide effective bibliotherapeutic services.




