  • 學位論文


A Study on Emotional Healing Efficacy of Movies for Undergraduate Students Suffering Breakups in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳書梅


本研究旨在探討電影對失戀大學生之情緒療癒效用,研究目的包括(1)了解失戀大學生之分手經驗及情緒困擾問題,(2)了解個別電影對失戀大學生之情緒療癒效用,(3)分析具有情緒療癒效用之電影產生療癒效果的場景及因素,以及(4)探討個別電影對失戀大學生達致不同程度情緒療癒效用之因素。在研究設計上,本研究採取質性研究法,針對14位失戀大學生進行半結構式深度訪談。 研究結果顯示,受訪者中主動及被動分手者各半,最常見之分手原因為依附程度不同,而最常用以調適失戀負面情緒之方式為尋求社會支持,受訪者最主要之情緒困擾問題則是「因分手產生的空虛孤寂感」。研究結果亦發現,本研究所用之14部電影,有11部電影能使受訪者同時產生認同、淨化、領悟之情緒療癒效用。其中,《愛在黎明破曉時》、《愛情合作社》、《托斯卡尼豔陽下》、《大老婆俱樂部》、《玫瑰戰爭》及《斷背山》等六部電影對改變特定失戀事件之認知有正面助益。而在電影中影響受訪者認同、淨化及領悟效用之因素,則有「與觀賞者個人背景因素相似」、「電影角色表達情緒方式外放」及「角色在片中實際解決問題」三項。至於影響失戀大學生情緒療癒效用程度差異之因素,則包含電影角色之長相、性別以及劇情與觀賞者價值觀相近度等。 最後根據訪談結果,研究者對大學圖書館及心理輔導中心提出以下數項建議:(1)依一般大學生常見之情緒困擾問題,編制各類型情緒療癒電影書目,(2)於圖書館網頁提供大學生情緒療癒電影書目,(3)心理輔導人員可運用具有情緒療癒效用的電影,輔導失戀之大學生。


This study focuses on the emotional healing efficacy of movies for undergraduate students, with topics including: (1) to describe breakup experiences and emotional disturbance problems among undergraduate students, (2) to understand the emotional healing efficacy of cinematherapy on undergraduate students suffering from the effects of breakups, (3) to analyze which scenes and elements of the movies effectively generate emotional healing, and (4) to investigate which factors influence the emotional healing efficacy of the movies on the students. This study implements a qualitative approach, employing an in-depth interview focusing on 14 undergraduate students suffering from breakups. In the study, half of the participants had initiated the breakup, while the others had been the passive actor in the breakup. The most common reason for the breakups was an unequal level of attachment between the partners. The most frequently used means of assuaging the negative emotions triggered by the event was seeking some form of social support. The most common emotional disturbance problem among the participants was the feeling of loneliness after the breakup. It was discovered in this study that among the 14 movies used, 11 of them appeared to invoke the identification, catharsis, and insight process in the emotional healing efficacy, and 6 of them showed positive effect on the cognition of transforming specific breakup events. Three factors were found to influence emotional healing efficacy: (1) similarities of backgrounds elements between the participants and those of the characters in the movies, (2) active emotional expressions of the characters in the movies, and (3) problem-solving alternatives exhibited by the characters in the movies. Similarities that influenced efficacy included the appearance and gender of the characters and similarities between the values held by the participants and by the characters. Finally, in accordance to the results of the interview, the researcher concluded the following suggestions to university libraries and student counseling centers: (1) categorize multimedia collections according to emotional disturbance problems that are common among undergraduate students and provide bibliographies annotated with relevant works on emotional healing, (2) provide emotional healing movie bibliographies for undergraduate students on the university librarys’ websites, and (3) use movies that may facilitate emotional healing as a tool for counseling students dealing with emotional disturbance problems caused by breakups.


王慶福主持(2003)。分手的調適與改變歷程及評量工具之發展與研究(國科會專題研究計畫成果報告,NSC 91-2413-H-040-001)。臺中市:中山醫學大學通識教育中心。


