  • 學位論文


Consumer Adoption of New Dietary Way for Agricultural Products

指導教授 : 黃麗君


金棗為宜蘭地區的重要產物,主要產品形式為加工品,如蜜餞。近年來由於消費者重視健康及飲食習慣的改變,屬醃漬品的蜜餞產品使用量逐漸減少,以及蜜餞廠商為降低成本而進口大陸金棗,因而影響金棗的產業經濟。農委會花蓮區農業改良場為輔導金棗產業之發展,經過不斷的改良金棗品質及酸甜度後,推出可被大眾接受直接食用的金棗鮮果,並且和礁溪鄉農會共同辦理金棗鮮食的推廣活動以拓展金棗產業的有效市場。 然而,金棗鮮食的推廣上有困難之處。首先為消費者仍將金棗定位為零食,而非水果;消費者對也金棗存有酸澀的刻板印象而畏懼不敢食用。因此農民未見金棗鮮食的市場成效,便不視金棗鮮食為市場銷售主力,而較無心思在金棗鮮果品質的提升。本研究解決金棗鮮食推廣上的困難,採用Rogers(1983)的創新採用理論來分析消費者對金棗鮮食的採用行為,找出影響消費者採用金棗鮮食的關鍵因素,以及各關鍵因素影響消費者採用金棗鮮食的權重比例。本研究調查台灣地區381位消費者的認知金棗鮮食屬性與新食品恐懼症,且利用集群分析區隔消費者,而能針對不同的消費者制定行銷策略。 研究利用因素分析將影響消費者金棗鮮食接受度的金棗鮮食認知屬性分為四個屬性,分別為飲食習慣符合度、功效屬性、可試用性與美觀性,且功效屬性為影響消費者金棗鮮食接受度的主要因素。研究結果也顯示新食品恐懼症對消費者可試用性與金棗鮮食接受度的關係具干擾作用。兩階段集群分析將消費者分為三群,分別為「鮮食認同者」,為推廣的目標族群,傾向於將金棗當作一般水果食用,金棗鮮食接受度高;「試吃參與者」,較知曉金棗鮮食的試吃活動以及較常參與試吃活動,金棗鮮食接受度為中等;「功效認同者」,對於金棗鮮食的功效屬性與美觀性認同度較高,而金棗鮮食接受度是最低,大多為青少年與學生。 本研究建議金棗鮮食推廣時可以強化金棗鮮食的優勢,而吸引消費者將金棗當作一般水果食用。此外,藉由增加金棗鮮食的試吃資訊與機會,可以增加消費者對於金棗鮮食的熟悉度,以增加高新食品恐懼症者採用金棗鮮食的意願。在市場區隔方面,針對「鮮食認同者」可以在包裝或販售處附上功效,「試吃活動者」與「功效認同者」可以將鮮果外觀分級,等級高的金棗以此兩群為主要銷售對象。


Kumquat is an important crop in Yi-Lan. 90 percent of kumquat products are processed foods such as preserves. However, consumers emphasize on eating healthy, sales of volume for kumquat preserves are reducing because thought unnatural and unhealthy. And manufacturers import cheap half dried kumquat from China to cost down. Therefore, kumquat industries are in a difficult position. To raise sales of volume for kumquat, farmers’ associations in Yi-Lan area improve taste and quality of kumquat, consumer can eat kumquat directly as fresh fruits for taste became sweeter. But promotions for fresh kumquat fruits follow some difficulties. Consumers still categorize kumquat in snacks, and think kumquats tasted sour and mouth-puckering. Therefore, consumers are low-willing to try kumquat. In hence, kumquat farmers wouldn’t improve quality of kumquat because of low sales of kumquat fruits. To solve this problem, this study referred to Roger’s (1983) innovation adoption model to analyze key factor effecting consumer’s adoption of fresh Kumquat fruit, and compare weights among every key factor. This study surveyed 381 consumers for perceived Kumquat attributes and food neophobia by questionnaire in Taiwan. To effectively reach consumer segments to make different strategy, this study also used cluster analysis to segment consumers based on their perceived kumquat attributes. Results of factor analysis reveal four major factors influencing consumer’s acceptance of fresh Kumquat fruit: Compatibility, Functional Attributes, Accessibility and Appearance. Futhermore, compatibility influences consumer’s acceptance the most, and food neophobia has moderate effects to accessibility. 2-steps cluster analysis turns out to 3 clusters: “High compatibility consumer”, target consumer, high identity of compatibility and high acceptance; “High sampling involved consumer”, knowing and high involvement in kumquat sampling activities, and “High functional attributes identifier”, high identity on functional attribute and appearance, low acceptance, most are young consumers and students. This study suggests in kumquat fruit promotion enhancing advantages of kumquat to attract consumers take kumquats as fruits as usual. In addition, providing more kumquat sampling activities and information can promote consumers’ familiarity for high food neophobia consumers. In segmentation, emphasizing on kumquat package or selling place to attract “High compatibility consumer” purchasing, and classifying out better appearance of kumquat to attract “High sampling involved consumer” and “High functional attributes identifier” adopting kumquat fruits.


Kumquat Adoption Attributes Food Neophobia


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