  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Personification Wind that Can Speak in Fairy Tales by Kenji Miyazawa and H. C. Andersen

指導教授 : 陳明姿


本文藉著日本作家宮澤賢治與丹麥作家安徒生童話中出現的「會說話的風」之探討,更進一步了解賢治與安徒生的關係。   賢治與安徒生的關係歷來有諸多研究,無論是賢治何時認識安徒生、或是賢治作品裡受到的安徒生影響等。其中,有學者指出,賢治和安徒生童話作品裡皆有相當數量的「風」,此為兩者共通點,經過逐一勘驗兩者留下的童話作品,比率皆超過五成(賢治更達到七成),確認其為事實。   在本文第二章中,針對賢治和安徒生童話作品裡的「風」之敘述進一步分類。依照「擬人化」、「非擬人化」先分兩大類,前者再分為「會說話的風」與「不會說話的風」;後者依照特性分為「風的移動」「風的聲音」兩類。由於兩人作品中擔任「旁白」角色的「風」有相當高的相似性,數量也頗為不少,因此將「會說話的風」,又細分為擔任敘述故事的「旁白」角色的「風」,以及其他「會講話的風」兩類。   第三章探討「旁白」角色之外的所有「會講話的風」。第四章探討擔任「旁白」角色的「會說話的風」。   無論是第三章還第四章,賢治和安徒生童話作品中出現的「會說話的風」,在形式上都有相當高的相似性,然而,內容上雖有雷同之處,相較之下,賢治偏向對「自然」的描寫,安徒生偏向對於人類或社會百態的描寫。除此之外,賢治個人另有一個獨特點,就是在描寫「會說話的風」之際,經常使用秋冬的「西風」、「北風」,這與賢治在秋冬嚴寒的日本東北岩手縣的出生背景應有密切相關。   藉由探討宮澤賢治和安徒生童話作品中「會說話的風」之相關性,除了可以一窺賢治在學習安徒生作品時,仍發展出個人獨特性的特點外,也提供未來創作童話的作家們一點參考。


宮澤賢治 安徒生 童話 擬人化 旁白


By discussing personification wind that can speak in fairy tales by Kenji Miyazawa and H. C. Andersen, we could know more about the influences of Andersen on Kenji's fairy tales. There have been many studies of the relationship between Kenji and Andersen, including the literature, which indicates that the word “wind” was used frequently both on the fairy tales by Kenji and Andersen. By checking all of the fairy tales by both of them, the result shows that the indication is correct. In Chapter 2, we classified all of the sentences including the word “wind” from both of the writings by Kenji and Andersen. First of all, the samples are all classified into “Personification” and “No Personification”. Secondly, the category “Personification” was classified into “Personification Wind that can Speak” and “Personification Wind that can not Speak”, and the category “No Personification” was classified into “Movement” and “Sounds”. Finally, the category “Personification Wind that can Speak” was classified into “Narrator”, which was discussed in Chapter 3, and “Speaking Wind”, which was discussed in Chapter 4. In Chapter3 and Chapter4, we discussed the personification wind that can speak in fairy tales by Kenji and H. C. Andersen. According to the results, there are many things in common in the forms of the writings, but of the contents, there are some common points though, Kenji was inclined to write more about nature, Anderson was inclined to write more about human or society. Especially, the personification wind that can speak in Kenji's writings came from north and west mostly, which was supposed to be influenced by the upbringing of Kenji. By discussing the personification wind that can speak in fairy tales by Kenji Miyazawa and H. C. Andersen, we expect the thesis can play a successful role for Kenji Miyazawa Studies, and the writers who aspire to write fairy tales.


1. 「The Works of Hans Christian Andersen」:http://www.andersen.sdu.dk/vaerk/index_e.html
(一) テキスト
1. 宮沢清六・ほか編(1995.5.25∼1995.11.25)『【新】校本宮澤賢治全集 第八巻 童話〔I〕本文篇∼ 第十二巻 童話〔V〕・劇・その他 本文篇 』(東京:筑摩書房)
2. アンデルセン著、大畑末吉訳(1981.6.5∼1981.11.5)『完訳 アンデルセン童話集(一)∼(七)』(東京:岩波書店)
3. アンデルセン著、大畑末吉訳(1975.11.17)『絵のない絵本』(東京:岩波書店)
