  • 學位論文


The Dilemmas of Non-Profit Organizations Transforming into Social Enterprise: A Case Study on the Social Welfare Organization

指導教授 : 黃奎隆


由於整體經濟的影響,以及大環境的劇烈變動,以往非營利組織來以維生的政府補助及企業捐贈等財源收入皆大幅縮減,以至於在經營面上面臨了許多困境,也因此社會企業的經營模式此議題逐漸受到重視,此轉型的過程是一種了結合社會價值與企業經營的挑戰,除了盡力達成自身的理念之外,同時也面臨了市場的考驗。 本研究旨在對於非營利組織之社會企業化轉型過程做一探討,包括收集國內外的研究案例,綜合歸納並分類目前各種非營利組織其社會企業的轉型過程以及其挑戰。利用問卷方式及深度訪談,歸納出目前社福型非營利組織所遭遇的問題以及轉型中可能面臨的挑戰,並探討本文研究案例之社會企業化過程所面臨的問題與解決方法。


Non-profit organizations have been facing various difficulties and challenges due to the dramatic changes in the environment, especially on the reduction of the funding. Therefore, issue of “social enterprise” has raised and been a growing discussion topic. Social enterprise is a new type of organization that fulfills the social expectation and the financial performance at the same time, which is a confliction of profitable outcome against nonprofit service cost. In addition, the service and goods that a social enterprise can provide will inevitably be confronted with many competitors in the market. This research aims to discuss the challenges and dilemmas that non-profit organizations may have during the phase of transforming into social enterprises. Based on a case study of a social welfare organization, with questionnaire analysis and in-depth interviews to understand and conclude the transforming progress as well as to explore the positive solutions in the future.


1. Atkinson, P. & M. Hammersley (1994)
“Ethnography and Participant Observation,” in Denzin N. K. and Lincoln, Y.S.(eds.) Handbook of Qualitative Research, Thousand Oaks: Sage.
2. Brinckerhoff, Peter C. (1994)
3. Emerson & Twersky (1996)
