  • 學位論文


Analyzing Self-Regulation Policy of Tourism Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林水波


自2008年起臺灣政府開放大陸地區居民赴臺旅遊後,來自中國大陸的旅客人數即逐年節節攀升,而中國大陸亦成為我國主要來臺客源國。然而因為臺灣與大陸旅遊市場運作機制不同,在大陸組團社與臺灣地接社供需不平的背景下,臺灣旅行業者為了爭取接待陸客團體,不惜以零團費、負團費的方式削價競爭,嚴重影響旅遊市場秩序及旅客消費權益。 為了導正旅遊市場秩序、規範業者行為,部分旅行業者於2011年開始推動新一波的自律公約,並透過成立地接社自律委員會及公評小組的方式,號召具陸客接待資格的旅行社簽署自律公約,避免業者透過惡性削價的方式低價攬客,並期許能藉著推動自律公約,維護旅遊市場秩序並確保旅遊服務品質。 本研究檢閱自律管制政策相關研究文獻及書籍後,從中歸納出自律管制政策之重要特質、效應發酵及潛在風險等相關理論。復以本研究透過立意抽樣挑選出學界、旅行業界及政府部門代表,針對旅行業者推動自律公約的實務狀況進行深度訪談。透過歸納、分析訪談內容,驗證旅行業者推動自律管制的情形是否與自律管制政策理論相符。 最後,本研究綜整本次旅行業者推動自律管制政策的重要特質、效應及潛在風險後,亦針對政府部門及旅行業界提出相關實務建議。在旅行業者方面,鑒於本次旅行業者推動自律公約並無獲得所有業者認同,故旅行業者未來必須強化彼此間的聯繫與對自律公約規範的認同,並致力於將委員會及公評小組制度化。另外,旅行業者也必須加強與潛在利害關係人的溝通,才能降低推動自律公約的阻力。在政府部門方面,政府除須確認其角色定位,亦須協助業者明訂自律公約效力、強化政策執行力並建立與業者間的夥伴關係,始能加強雙方互信並順利推動自律管制政策。


Ever since the Taiwan Government has opened tourism for Mainland nationals from 2008, tourists from Mainland China have increased year by year, and quickly became one of the main tourism sources with the greatest number of visitors for Taiwan. However, because the operational system about the tourism market in Taiwan is different from that of China; the unbalance quantity between the domestic tour wholesaler in China and domestic tour operator in Taiwan has resulted in Taiwanese tour agencies selling their packages with zero tour fee or even negative tour fee for price competing. This not only affects the equilibrium in the tourism market, but also the quality of the tours. To correct the balance in the tourism market and regulate the behavior of tourism operators, some tour operators promoted self-disciplinary convention starting from 2011. They created a Domestic Tour Wholesaler Self-Regulated Committee and a supervision team, for advocating tourism operators who are qualified for attending tourists from Mainland China to sign the self-disciplinary convention. Through this method, they hope to avoid tourism operators to attract consumers by low-price tour fees, in order to keep the stability of tourism market and ensure the quality in the tours. Through examination of research and literature about self-regulation policy, the research sums up the important characteristics, main effects and potential risks about self-regulation policy theory. The research uses purposeful sampling to select representative persons in academia, the tourism industry and the government. After interviewing with these representative persons, the research analyzes important points to verify the theory and practice about the tourism industry promoting the self-regulation policy. Finally, the research not only organizes the important characteristics, main effects and potential risks regarding the industry promoting self-disciplinary convention, it also offers some practical suggestions for the tourism industry and the government. In consideration of these self-disciplinary conventions, recognition was not received from all tourism operators. Thus, more work needs to be put in to strengthen their connection and recognition in the whole tourism industry and try to make the committee and team institutionalized. In addition, tourism operators need to enhance communication with their potential stakeholders, reducing difficulties and potential obstacles of promoting the self-regulation policy. As for the government, they need to check their role and position, helping tourism operators to formulate the self-disciplinary convention. Moreover, the government also needs to enhance the execution of the self-regulation policy and the membership between tourism operators, so as to strengthen trust and efficiently promote the self-regulation policy.


林水波、邱靖鈜,2011,〈行政失靈的理論建構與命題驗證——以擴大博愛特區 爭議為例〉,《政策與人力管理》,2(1):1-38。
