  • 學位論文


Consciousness-Raising in 1960s West Germany: Youth Revolt and Its Meanings

指導教授 : 陳思賢


本研究希望探討六零年代的西德青年反抗運動,如何對其社會所處的冷戰架構以及國家角色提出討論與質疑,對於西德又有何意義。在國際關係或國際關係史的領域中,國際秩序或安排的形成往往以主權國家為主角,並且以外交、安全、戰略等「高層政治」議題為核心,探討國家政府間的互動、合作或較量。國際政治框架所觸及的人群與社會則常在這種討論脈絡中被視為其次,其回應也因此顯得無足輕重,對國際政治的安排鮮少有影響。然而,國際政治安排的最終影響莫過於深入社會與個人的生活與存在,形塑新的人類社會的生活方式或身分認同,因為之於個人,這是其自身和更大的社會群體的連結;之於社會群體,這是其身分與角色認同的依據。而來自個人或社會的回應得到足夠的注意或附和,亦可能影響政治決策或政治文化,尤其在民主政治體中。因此忽視了國際政治安排在社會層次的迴響,很可能忽略看似穩定的國際秩序下,微妙卻關鍵的變化,也可能過於輕易地將意識形態描述與真實狀況畫上等號。 六零年代西德的青年反抗因為加諸在西德的雙重國際安排,同盟佔領國和議的兩德分裂與戰後西德的重新導向,使其成為一個良好的研究案例。當時的動盪不只是對國際社會的挑戰,更是西德政治的轉捩點。為了探問是什麼促成這些西德的運動,本研究首先梳理整體社會政治脈絡,然後以社會運動理論討論當時蓬勃的運動及其脈絡。第一章將介紹這個議題以及相關的英文研究與文獻。第二章則處理社會運動研究的概念與理論架構。第三章聚焦在運動的靈感來源以及重要事件的動態。第四章以社會運動理論框架為基礎,針對運動提出一些分析。最末章結論這個由下而上的挑戰如何影響德國社會並點燃了對這個國家不久之前的過去更批判地討論,而這後來也對德國政治留下深遠的影響。


This study hopes to explore how youth revolt in the sixties in West Germany discussed and questioned the Cold War structure where its society has a role, and the meanings of this. In the field of International Relations or International History, the formation of international order or arrangements often revolves around nation-states, and centers issues of “high politics,” such as diplomacy, security and military strategies to explore the ways national governments interact, cooperate or compete with each other. Therefore, peoples and societies the framework of international politics touches upon are often viewed as secondary, their response rendered insignificant, having few impacts on arrangements of international politics. However, international political arrangements will influence life and existence of societies and individuals profoundly in the end, shaping new lifestyles or identities of human societies. The reason is that, for an individual, this is a way one connect with a greater community, and, to a society, this is a basis of its role and identity. When such kind of responses from individuals or societies gain enough attention or following, they may as well have impacts on political decisions or political culture, especially in a democratic polity. Hence, ignoring the impacts of international political arrangements at the societal level and responses thereof may result in overlooking subtle yet crucial changes in a seemingly stable international order, and in equalizing recklessly ideological description and real situations. Youth revolt in the sixties in West Germany serves as a good case to study because of the dual international arrangements imposed on the defeated country, the division of Germany and reorientation by the Allied occupation. The unrest was not only a challenge to the international community but also a turning point for West German politics. To inquire what gave rise to the movements in West Germany, the study first combs through general social and political context, and then discusses characteristics of the context and the movements that mushroomed in the frameworks of some of the social movement theories. The first chapter briefly introduces the topic and some relevant research and literatures in English. The second chapter addresses the concept and theoretical framework in the studies of social movements. The third chapter focuses on the sources of inspiration and dynamics of some of the events. The fourth chapter offers some analysis of the movements based on theoretical frameworks of social movement studies. The last chapter concludes how the bottom-up challenge have shifted the West German society and sparked a more critical discussion on the country’s recent past, which in turn has a lasting impact on the German political culture.


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