  • 學位論文


Democratization and the Crisis of Public Broadcaster Governance in Poland

指導教授 : 洪貞玲


波蘭自1989年起從共黨威權走向民主轉型,波蘭電視台TVP也順應潮流從國營電視台走向公共化;然而,它流於「政治化」的指控一直都沒有間斷。本研究試問:波蘭媒體的公共轉型,遭遇到什麼公共性危機? 本研究回顧了公共領域、公共廣電服務治理與民主治理的理論,從複式代理與授權失靈的觀點,來看待公共領域的規範性標準,何以透過制度設計落實、沒能落實、又為何無法落實;研究方法以個案和歷史研究法為主,整理1989年前後到2018年的相關文獻來尋求解釋。 研究發現,波蘭民主化主要引進代議式民主,反映在其公廣電治理機關的選任制度上,以「專家知識」的專業代理為唯一考量;民主的實際運作上確實出現危機,TVP打從成立以來,就不斷成為各黨角力的對象,透過修法調整媒體主管機關與公視治理機關的人數,來增補選或進行重組,以便執政黨的安插自己人,這尤其常見於政黨輪替的時候。兩者的政治獨立性理應受到廣電法與憲法的保障,然而政治實務上,因為國會直接享有對媒體主管機關委員的任免權、總統有同意權;再者,媒體主管機關又對公視治理機關,獨立性向來備受質疑,到2015年小媒體法和2016年過渡法的修法,更被認為是民主大倒退。本研究也針對這波修法進行評價與分析,確實還有改進空間,應在遴選過程加入公民參與、審議的機制,或是另外成立獨立的公廣監督機關;其資金結構也招致商業化的批評,應設法降低廣告佔比、提高收視費的回收率。


The Polish media have undergone a radical change since the collapse of communism in 1989 with the former national broadcaster transformed into public service media, TVP. This study aims to map the key developments of the transition of TVP to democracy as well as to examine the main threats and challenges since its inception. The historical approach was used to provided concrete examples and a detailed examination of political intervention in the Polish context. TVP is established under the 1992 Broadcasting Act, since amended, which defines the governance structure of TVP and sets out its public responsibilities. The act also defines the appointment, the duties and the power of national broadcasting authority that indirectly regulates and controls TVP. The authority by law shall safeguard the freedom of speech, ensuring the media are freed from political pressures. However, the legal design has to be confronted by the reality. Evidence shows that politicians keep attempting to maintain influence on the functioning of the media regulator and indirectly on TVP through legislation. It often occurred after the transfer of power from one administration to the next. This is also highlighted in this study by analyzing and evaluating the latest amendments to the media act, which aroused controversy at home and abroad. Keywords: governance of public broadcasting services, election of governing and supervisory bodies, Telewizja Polska, TVP, Polish media reform


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