  • 學位論文


A Study on the Legal Review of Industrial Action

指導教授 : 徐婉寧


集體休假、集體請假及集體拒絕加班或值班等行為,若為個別權利的合法行使,又為工會所主導且支持的行動,我國實務裁決及判決認定其為工會活動,受工會法第35條不當勞動行為禁止之保障,學者也有稱該等行為為「類似爭議行為」。但是,關於類似爭議行為的附隨行為,例如1991年基隆客運司機集體休假事件中,勞工於客運出車口靜坐,且嗣後將大客車停在門口,並將車胎放氣的行為;以及2012年高雄航勤站務員集體拒絕加班事件前後,發生尾牙翻桌、進入站務管制區及不假外出等行為,該等阻礙雇主事業正常運作的行為,屬於類似爭議行為的附隨行為,在2011年新施行勞資爭議處理法中,新增爭議行為章後,是否能夠基於其阻礙雇主事業正常運作的特徵,該當爭議行為,而與類似爭議行為有截然不同的法律評價? 首先,本文將從工會活動與爭議行為的定義、類型及區分,參考我國文獻、判決對工會活動與爭議行為的說明與理解,是否只有爭議行為有阻礙雇主正常事業運作的效果?爭議行為是否只能附隨於罷工行為來行使,而不得於非罷工期間單獨行使?其次,重新定義歸納類似爭議行為,並分析類似爭議行為之法律評價的各種不同可能性,依實務見解類似爭議行為該當工會活動,但類似爭議行為是否也可能該當爭議行為?最後,由於類似爭議行為的附隨行為,有各種不同強度的行使方式,是否該等附隨行為的法律評價,會因為其所附隨的類似爭議行為而受到影響?若附隨行為的法律評價與類似爭議行為無關,則手段正當性的判斷標準為何?創設類似爭議行為及其附隨行為的法律概念,在進行法律評價時是否有其實益?本文將詳細闡述類似爭議行為及其附隨行為,在集體勞動法上的影響,及其等與罷工及其附隨行為的關係。


Taking collective vocation, requesting a collective absence and using overtime bans are legal union activities in the decisions of the court and the Ministry of Labor in Taiwan if the union mobilize and support the activity, with the condition that the vocation, leave of absence and refusal to work overtime are lawfully exercised. As participating in activities held by a labor union, article 35 section 1 of the Labor Union Act protects workers from being refused to hire, dismissed, demoted, reduced the wage, or rendered other unfair treatment by employers. Some scholars named collective vocation, collective absence, overtime bans and group resignation - “the other form of action akin to industrial action”, to emphasize that those actions are not completely the same as industrial action. However, the unions have other form of industrial action when taking collective vocation, requesting a collective absence and using overtime bans. Take the Keelung Bus Company’s collective vocation in 1991 for example, the worker staged sit-ins, parked the bus in front of the main gate and deflated the tires. Also, in 2012, the union of the Taiwan Airport Service not only started an overtime ban, but also turned over more than half of the tables in the annual company party, took a temparary leave during the worktime, and got into the prohibition area, trying to persuade more people to join the union activity. Those action, which may stop the employer’s operation, are the other form of industrial action that happen around the labor disputes. In 2011, after the new chapter of Industrial Action put into the Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes, whether those other form of industrial action, which exercise with legal union activities rather than strikes, satisfy the definition of industrial action in the new chapter? Because if they match the definition and are done within legitimacy, the workers will be under the protection that the employer cannot dismiss, demote, reduce the wage of, or render other unfair treatment to an employee who participates in or supports industrial action. In this article, I will distinguish the definition of union activities and industrial action, to see whether an industrial action can only be initiated during a strike. Then, sum up all kinds of “the other form of action akin to industrial action”, and clarify the similarity and differences they have with industrial action. At last, do the law reviews of the other form of industrial action have any connection with the main action they want to support and accelerate, like a strike or a collective vocation held by the workers. Whether the newly created concept - “the other form of action akin to industrial action” does bring some different influence on the law reviews of the industrial action? Those are the answers this article trying to find out.


一、 中文部分(按作者姓氏筆畫順序排列)
(一) 專書
1. 王松柏(1998),〈勞資爭議行為之法律效果〉,劉志鵬,黃程貫主編,《勞動法裁判選輯》,臺北:月旦。
2. 中華電信工會(1999),《中華電信工會自主發展史》,台北市:中華電信工會。
3. 行政院勞工委員會編印(2007),《勞資爭議行為論文集》,臺北:行政院勞工委員會。

