  • 學位論文


Eating Behavior of Fried Foods Among Junior High School Students in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 江東亮


研究目的:本研究旨在瞭解新北市國中生之油炸食物攝取行為及其相關因子。 研究方法:本研究為一橫斷式研究,依據PRECEDE模式,發展結構式問卷,並立意選取新北市六所國民中學30個班級,進行資料收集,共回收940份有效問卷。 研究結果:(1)高達93.4%學生自述在過去一週內曾攝取油炸食物,平均而言,一週攝取高達5.0次。(2)營養午餐為主要油炸食物來源(64.7%),其次依序為攤販(35.7%)、家裡烹調(33.6%),和速食連鎖(33.5%)。(3)就食物種類而言,國中生最常攝取的油炸食物為薯條(40.8%),其次為其他豆魚肉蛋類(25.4%),和雞排(17.5%)。(4)許多因素都與國中生攝取油炸食物頻率有關,包含(a)前傾因素:學校、年級、母親教育程度、減重情形、油炸食物知識、外食頻率,(b)使能因素:家中油炸食物可近性、學校營養午餐油炸食物可近性、住家學校附近油炸食物可近性,以及(c)增強因素:同儕陪同;這些決定因素可以解釋20.38%油炸食物攝取頻率的變異量。 結論:新北市國中生攝取油炸食物行為是非常普遍的現象,而且頻率相當高。由於生活背景及生活環境因素都是重要決定因子,建議採行多元策略解決國中生油炸食物攝取的問題,特別是學校的健康營養午餐政策。


Objective:To investigate eating behavior of fried foods and its determinants among junior high school students in New Taipei City. Methods:In this cross-sectional study, we used Green’s PRECEDE model to develop the questionnaire, and collected data from 940 students in 30 classes of 6 junior high schools in New Taipei City. Results:(1) 93.4% of the junior high school students reported that they ate fried foods in the past week, and on average, 5 times a week. (2) School lunch (64.7%) was the most important source of fried foods, followed by vendors (35.7%), home cooking (33.6%), and fast-food chains restaurants (33.5%). (3) On kinds of food, French fries was the most popular (40.8%), followed by the group of beans, fish, meats, and eggs (25.4%), and deep fried chicken breast (17.5%). (4) Many factors were correlated with fried foods consumption frequency, including predisposing factors: schools, grade, educational level of their mother, dieting, knowledge of fried foods, eating out, facilitating factors: accessibility of fried foods at home, at school lunch and around home and school, and reinforcing factors: eating fried foods with peer. Totally, these determinants could explain 20.38% of variance in the regression analysis of fried foods consumption frequency. Conclusion: Eating fried foods is very common among junior high school students in New Taipei City. Because life background and living environments are important determinants, multiple approaches are recommended to tackle the problem of fried foods consumption among junior high school students, particularly a healthy school lunch policy.


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