  • 學位論文


The analysis of influenced factors based on construction audit results : Case study from Ministry of Justice

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


台灣為加入世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO),政府採購法及公共工程品質管理制度至今已近30年之久。後續為確保公共工程施工品質,民國82年頒布「公共工程施工品質管理制度」,三級品質管理制度的框架從此定下來,並且為防止低價搶標,工程會開始推行「廠商承攬公共工程履歷」、「最有利標」及「評分及格最低標」,並將三級品管制度第三級工程施工查核之查核成績納入評選項目,因此查核成績顯得越來越重要。 本研究以查核成績為工程品質優劣之標準,其組成包括品質制度、施工品質、施工進度,以法務部及所屬機關工程採購案之查核成績為對象,收集民國106年至109年之查核案件,經過文獻回顧及實務經驗,找出可能工程查核分數的影響因子,並利用迴歸分析方式,探討因子與查核分數的關係。本研究找出影響查核分數可能因子為流標次數、預算金額級距、標比值、承攬廠商等級、查核季節、查核通知方式、工程類型、查核前有無變更設計及工地相關專業人員有無更換總共為8項,並將8項分為15個自變數,分析後發現調整後判定係數(Adjusted R-square)僅有11.2%,整體模型呈顯著性,各別顯著之自變數有流標次數、預算金額(5,000萬元以上相較於100萬元以上未達1,000萬元)、工程類型及工地相關專業人員有無更換與查核分數具有顯著性關係,且流標次數越高查核分數越低,預算金額級距5,000萬元以上查核分數相較於100萬元以上未達1,000萬元高,工地類型耐震補強較查核分數相較於建築物及附屬工程高,工地相關專業人員有更換查核分數較無更換者高。 本研究屬於次級資料,資料來源皆從標案管理系統、政府電子採購網及營造業登記查詢擷取,因此許多影響查核分數重要因子皆未能取得,如承攬廠商查核時之承攬件數、廠商現金流、工地相關專業人員之專業能力及經歷等,且本研究僅針對於法務部及所屬機關工程採購案,未能代表全國,因此建議後續工程會能增加標案管理系統記錄項目,將可能影響因子責成機關要求廠商提供並填載,並將全國約每年查核件數統計分析,以矯正預防並提高全國公共工程之品質。


To enter the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Taiwanese government has implemented “The government procurement Act” and “The Construction Quality System” for almost 30 years. Afterwards, to ensure public construction quality, the government enacted “Three-level Quality Management System”, including Quality Control (QC), Quality Assurance (QA), and Quality Audit. For decreasing abnormally low bids that are considered as one of the main causes of poor project quality, the Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan promoted “Contractor’s Resume”, “The Most Advantageous Tender”, and “Lowest Standard for Heterogeneous Procurement, and all factors of the procurement are required to include the score of construction quality audit. In this research, the score of construction quality audit is the standard of construction quality evaluated by the quality management system, project schedule, and construction quality. The project data of 139 construction audits of the ministry of justice are collected from 106th to 109th of the Republic Era. According to the literature review and practical experience, this research finds the factors that influence construction quality and discusses the relation between the score and factors by regression Analysis. Eight factors, including the number of tender failures, budget amount, award/lowest price, construction type, auditing season, auditing, the way to notice of auditing change order before auditing, the change of site professionals, are divided into 15 independent variables in this research. The result shows the model is significant and the Adjusted R-square is 11.2%. Only the number of tender failures (negative relation), budget amount (positive relation), construction type (positive relation), and the change of site professionals (negative relation) are significant. Our data belong to secondary data that is from public tender management system, government electronic procurement network, and construction industry registration query. Therefore, some important factors, such as the number of the project contracted by the contractor, contractor cash flow, the site professionals’ experiences, etc, are not available. This research just focuses on the construction projects from the Ministry of Justice Organization. Therefore, the construction projects from the Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan can be included in future researches. Moreover, the government can ask the contractors to fill in the data that would probably influence the construction quality.


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