  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 任立中


汽車零組件製造產業具技術密集、分工細緻的特性,需靠設計流暢的作業程序及精準的成本控制來維持基本競爭力。透過經營績效的總體分析,可以比較本身及競爭對手在各項效率上的差距,並學習各領域中標竿企業的核心能耐,檢視企業內部的弱項與待改進空間,以維持並增強本身在市場上的相對優勢。 為顧及效率衡量的周密性與適切性,使用傳統的單一評估指標並不恰當,故本研究採取DEA(資料包絡分析法)作為經營績效的評估方式。利用DEA 能同時處理多項投入與多項產出的特性,完整的將受評估廠商之效率值求解而出,找出產業界中的標竿企業。並將總体技術效率(TE)再拆解為純技術效率(PTE)與規模效率(SE),配合差額變數的分析結果,點出相對無效率廠商(非標竿企業)的改進空間與建議投入量。最後再利用逐步廻歸模式,一一檢測影響標竿企業達成之關鍵主觀重視變數為何。藉由完整的標竿企業績效評估模式,提供總體產業與個別廠商的未來改進方向與經營思維。 本研究以2003 年台灣地區36 家汽車零組件製造廠商為受測單位,選取「資本額」、「非研發部門員工人數」及「研發部門員工人數」作為投入變數,「營業額」為產出變數,執行DEA 相關分析;實證分析顯示大多汽車零組件製造廠商仍具有相當的改進空間,供應鏈及顧客服務的相關投入乃影響標竿企業達成之關鍵主觀重視變數。最後,結論與建議彚整各章之研究發現,並說明研究限制與未來研究方向。


Auto Parts Manufacturing Industry has the characteristics of technology-intensive and high specialized division. To maintain basic competitive ability, Auto firm needs well-designed operation procedure and precise cost control. Through the total operating performance analysis, we can tell the gap of various efficiencies between rivals and itself, to learn the core ability of the benchmark, find out internal weakness and potential improving space. Finally, to get better situation in the competitive market. This paper adapts multi-dimension efficiency evaluation method, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), to calculate each Auto firm’s Technical Efficiency (TE), Pure Technical Efficiency (PTE), Scale Efficiency (SE), and Slack. Using this information,we can suggest private firms how to improve and downsize reasonably. Fartherly, this paper uses step-by-step regression model to investigate key subjective input variables which greatly affect one to become the benchmark firm. This paper uses the data of 36 auto parts manufacturers in Taiwan 2003, adapts Capital, Staff Numbers of R&D department, Staff Numbers of Non R&D department as the input variable, Operating Revenue as output variable, to run the DEA process. The research results revealed that most Auto firms’performance is inefficient and has huge space to improve. The key subjective input variable which greatly affect one to become the benchmark firm are supply-chain management and customer-service related variable.


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